Pellokila, Dini Jeyanti (2021) Pengaruh Instagram Terhadap Pemahaman Nilai-Nilai Sila Kedua Pancasila Pada Remaja Kelurahan Cipayung Jakarta Timur Tahun 2021. S1 thesis, Universitas Kristen Indonesia.
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PENGARUH INSTAGRAM TERHADAP PEMAHAMAN NILAI-NILAI SILA KEDUA PANCASILA PADA REMAJA KELURAHAN CIPAYUNG JAKARTA TIMUR TAHUN 2021 ABSTRAK Perkembangan teknologi komunikasi telah melahirkan berbagai ragam media komunikasi berbasis jaringan internet yang mampu menyampaikan pesan atau informasi melewati ruang dan waktu. Media komunikasi tersebut ada yang berbasis aplikasi komunikasi, maupun yang berbasis website, dengan fungsi yang berbeda-beda baik secara audio, audio visual, visual, maupun tulisan dengan batasan jumlah kalimat. Salah satunya yang mampu merangkum semua jenis bentuk informasi tersebut adalah Instagram. Manfaat dari perkembangan ini adalah menyebarnya nilai dan budaya baru, bahkan ide dan gagasan yang mempengaruhi pembentukan afektif, kognitif, dan behavioral manusia. Salah satu yang paling rentan terhadap dampak ini adalah remaja, yang secara alamiah masih dikatakan labil, dalam artian belum sepenuhinya memiliki prinsip dan karakter yang kuat. Sehingga ancaman terhadap implementasi Pancasila sebagai falsafah hidup bangsa semakin nyata karena seiring perkembangan teknologi komunikasi ini, berkembang pula penyebaran berita bohong dan ujaran kebencian. Oleh karena itu penelitian ini berusaha menjelaskan pengaruh Instagram terhadap pemahaman Sila Kedua yang merupakan sila yang menanamkan nilai-nilai penghormatan terhadap kemanusiaan dan keberadaban. Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah uses and gratification theory, dan menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif, dengan desain penelitian ex-post facto, serta jenis penelitian eksploratif. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan kuisioner dengan skala likert terhadap sampel 2.680 orang, dengan menggunakan rumus slovin maka didapat 40 orang (Remaja usia 10-19 tahun), dari total populasi 4.963 orang remaja di Kelurahan Cipayung, Kotamadya Jakarta Timur. Waktu penelitian dilakukan selama bulan Februari tahun 2021 hingga Mei 2021. Penelitian ini menghasilkan kesimpulan bahwa, 44,1% responden menggunakan Instagram sebagai media untuk Peneguhan informasi, Pengetahuan serta, Pemahaman mengenai lingkungan sekitarnya. 41,0% responden memahami secara baik nilai-nilai Sila kedua, sementara 40,1% menjawab tidak terlalu yakin dengan pemahaman nilai Sila kedua. Berdasarkan pengujian variabel X (penggunaan Instagram) terhadap variabel Y (pemahaman Sila Kedua), ditemukan bahwa penggunaan Instagram tidak berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap pemahaman Sila Kedua Pancasila, baik dalam menerima pesan yang disampaikan melalui media foto, gambar, video, maupun tulisan. Instagram juga berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap pemenuhan kebutuhan sosial secara Integratif para remaja, yaitu kebutuhan yang berkaitan dengan peneguhan kontak dengan keluarga, teman, dan dunia. Hal-hal tersebut didasarkan pada hasrat untuk berafiliasi. Responden memberikan jawaban setuju terhadap pernyataan yang menyatakan bahwa mereka menggunakan Instagram sebagai media untuk berkomunitas, berteman dan beradaptasi dengan orang-orang yang baru, memberikan hubungan interaksi yang baik antara sang pengguna dan masyarakat dan lingkungan lain. Namun mereka tidak yakin dalam berkomunikasi dan bersosialisasi mereka turut serta menyebarluaskan informasi-informasi mengenai nilai Sila Kedua Pancasila. Kata kunci: Pengaruh Penggunaan Instagram, Sila Kedua, Pancasila, Dan Uses And Gratification Theory/ THE EFFECT OF INSTAGRAM ON THE UNDERSTANDING OF THE SECOND VALUES OF PANCASILA IN THE TEENAGE OF CIPAYUNG KELURAHAN JAKARTA EAST IN 2021 ABSTRACT The development of communication technology has given birth to various types of internet-based communication media that are able to convey messages or information across space and time. There are communication media based on communication applications, as well as website-based ones, with different functions, both audio, audio-visual, visual, and written with a limit on the number of sentences. One of them that is able to summarize all kinds of forms of information is Instagram. The benefit of this development is the spread of new values and cultures, even ideas and ideas that influence the formation of affective, cognitive, and behavioral human beings. One of the most vulnerable to this impact are teenagers, who are naturally unstable, in the sense that they do not yet have strong principles and character. So that the threat to the implementation of Pancasila as the nation's philosophy of life is increasingly real because along with the development of this communication technology, the spread of false news and hate speech also develops. Therefore, this study seeks to explain the influence of Instagram on the understanding of the Second Precept which is a precept that instills the values of respect for humanity and civility. The theory used in this study is the uses and gratification theory, and uses a quantitative approach, with an ex-post facto research design, and the type of exploratory research. The data collection technique used a questionnaire with a Likert scale to a sample of 2,680 people, using the Slovin formula, obtained 40 people (teenagers aged 10-19 years), from a total population of 4,963 teenagers in Cipayung Village, East Jakarta Municipality. The time of the study was carried out from February 2021 to May 2021. This study concluded that, 44.1% of respondents used Instagram as a medium for confirming information, knowledge and understanding of the surrounding environment. 41.0% of respondents understood well the values of the second precept, while 40.1% answered that they were not too sure about understanding the value of the second precept. Based on the test of variable X (use of Instagram) against variable Y (understanding of the Second Precept), it was found that the use of Instagram did not significantly affect the understanding of the Second Precept of Pancasila, both in receiving messages conveyed through the media of photos, images, videos, and writing. Instagram also has a significant effect on the fulfillment of social needs in an integrative way for teenagers, namely needs related to strengthening contact with family, friends, and the world. They are based on a desire for affiliation. Respondents gave an agree answer to the statement stating that they use Instagram as a medium for community, making friends and adapting to new people, providing a good interaction relationship between the user and the community and other environments. However, they are not confident in communicating and socializing, they participate in disseminating information about the value of the Second Precept of Pancasila. Respondents gave an agree answer to the statement stating that they use Instagram as a medium for community, making friends and adapting to new people, providing a good interaction relationship between the user and the community and other environments. However, they are not confident in communicating and socializing, they participate in disseminating information about the value of the Second Precept of Pancasila. Respondents gave an agree answer to the statement stating that they use Instagram as a medium for community, making friends and adapting to new people, providing a good interaction relationship between the user and the community and other environments. However, they are not confident in communicating and socializing, they participate in disseminating information about the value of the Second Precept of Pancasila. Keywords: The Influence of Instagram Use, Second Precept, Pancasila, And Uses And Gratification Theory.
Item Type: | Thesis (S1) | ||||||||
Contributors: |
Subjects: | POLITICAL SCIENCE > Political science (General) > Theory. Relations to other subjects POLITICAL SCIENCE > Political science (General) > Study and teaching. Research |
Divisions: | FAKULTAS ILMU SOSIAL DAN ILMU POLITIK > Ilmu Politik | ||||||||
Depositing User: | Users 1228 not found. | ||||||||
Date Deposited: | 08 Oct 2021 03:48 | ||||||||
Last Modified: | 08 Oct 2021 03:48 | ||||||||
URI: | |
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