Peran Sutradara dalam Pembuatan Video Company Profile untuk Memperkenalkan PT Imecon Teknindo

Karinda, Marta Adelydia (2024) Peran Sutradara dalam Pembuatan Video Company Profile untuk Memperkenalkan PT Imecon Teknindo. S1 thesis, Universitas Kristen Indonesia.

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Video company profile sebagai media promosi penting bagi perusahaan untuk mengenalkan perusahaan kepada publik. Salah satu kunci pembuatan video company profile yang sukses adalah peran sutradara. Sutradara selain merancang storyboard, juga sebagai pengarah dalam jalannya pembuatan karya Video company profile serta mengarahkan seluruh proses selama pembuatan video, mulai dari pra-produksi, produksi, hingga pasca-produksi. Karya ini menjelaskan mengenai peran sutradara dalam pembuatan video company profile PT Imecon Teknindo dengan pendekatan marketing mix 4P. Dengan mengandalkan sutradara yang handal, perusahaan dapat memiliki video company profile yang akan menjadi alat promosi ampuh. Maka, hal ini menunjukkan bahwa sutradara harus memahami visi, misi, target audience, strategi promosi perusahaan untuk menghasilkan video yang selaras dengan strategi marketing mix, mengetahui pesan yang akan disampaikan terkait jasa yang diberikan perusahaan seperti Manpower Supply (Outsourcing), Recruitment Services, Cleaning Services, Security Services, Assessment dan Payroll Services serta info mengenai lokasi kantor cabang, akun sosial media, dan website perusahaan. Sutradara juga harus kompeten dalam mengarahkan seluruh proses pembuatan video dengan kreatif dan profesional yang sesuai dengan storyboard yang telah dirancang. Dengan memanfaatkan sutradara yang kompeten, PT Imecon Teknindo mampu menghasilkan video company profile berkualitas yang menarik minat audiens. Sehingga karya yang berupa Video Company Profile ini dapat di publikasi di media sosial PT Imecon Teknindo dengan memiliki scene pelayanan jasa yang jelas dan mudah dipahami oleh publik atau calon klien yang ingin melakukan kerjasama. Video company profile yang baik dapat membantu perusahaan untuk memperkenalkan perusahaan kepada klien saat melakukan meeting serta meningkatkan citra, membangun kepercayaan publik, dan membuat perusahaan semakin dikenal segala kalangan. Kata Kunci: Video Company Profile, Sutradara, PT Imecon Teknindo, Citra, Marketing Mix. / Video company profile as a promotional media is important for companies to introduce the company to the public. One of the keys to making a successful company profile video is the role of the director. The director in addition to designing the storyboard, is also the director in the course of making the company profile video work and directs the entire process during video making, starting from pre-production, production, to post-production. This work explains the role of the director in making the company profile video of PT Imecon Teknindo with the 4P marketing mix approach. By relying on a reliable director, the company can have a company profile video that will be a powerful promotional tool. So, this shows that the director must understand the company's vision, mission, target audience, promotional strategy to produce a video that is in line with the marketing mix strategy, know the message to be conveyed regarding the services provided by the company such as Manpower Supply (Outsourcing), Recruitment Services, Cleaning Services, Security Services, Assessment and Payroll Services as well as info about branch office locations, social media accounts, and company websites. The director must also be competent in directing the entire video-making process creatively and professionally in accordance with the storyboard that has been designed. By utilizing a competent director, PT Imecon Teknindo is able to produce quality company profile videos that attract audiences. So that the work in the form of Video Company Profile can be published on PT Imecon Teknindo's social media by having a service scene that is clear and easily understood by the public or prospective clients who want to collaborate. A good company profile video can help the company to introduce the company to clients during meetings as well as improve the image, build public trust, and make the company more recognized by all circles. Keywords: Company Profile Video, Director, PT Imecon Teknindo, Image, Marketing Mix

Item Type: Thesis (S1)
Thesis advisorJovani,
Thesis advisorParamasari, Silvia
LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE > Philology. Linguistics > Communication. Mass media
LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE > Philology. Linguistics > Communication. Mass media > Interpersonal communication
LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE > Philology. Linguistics > Communication. Mass media > Oral communication. Speech
LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE > Philology. Linguistics > Nonverbal communication
TECHNOLOGY > Technology (General)
TECHNOLOGY > Technology (General) > Communication of technical information
Depositing User: Users 5316 not found.
Date Deposited: 20 Aug 2024 08:53
Last Modified: 20 Aug 2024 08:53

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