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Silaban, Hertina and Udjung, Gorga I. V. W. and Gultom, Abitmer and Aline, Tamariska Rose (2024) A Cross Sectional Analysis on Knowledge and Attitudes towards HPV Vaccines among Female Youth in Jakarta, Indonesia. Asian Research Journal of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, 7 (1). pp. 106-118.
Udjung, Gorga I. V. W. and Silaban, Hertina (2024) Profile of Sexually Transmitted Infections in Quarantine Blood at the Indonesian Red Cross Blood Transfusion Unit, Depok City. Galore International Journal of Health Sciences and Research, 9 (1). pp. 72-86. ISSN 2456-9321
Silaban, Hertina and Bakujai, Esther Elisabeth (2023) Effectiveness test of African leaf ethanol extract against Salmonella typhi bacteria. World Journal of Biology Pharmacy and Health Sciences, 13 (1). pp. 56-64. ISSN 2582 5542
Kurniaty, Linggom and Silaban, Hertina and Alfarabi, Muhammad and Djojosaputro, Mulyadi (2023) Penyuluhan dan Studi Epidemiologi Mengenai Penggunaan Herbal di Kecamatan Tidung Kepulauan Seribu, Jakarta. Multidisciplinary National Proceeding, 1. pp. 17-21. ISSN 2987-047X
Simatupang, Abraham and Sitompul, Fransiska and Kurniaty, Linggom and Djojosaputro, Mulyadi and Lumbantobing, Romauli and Silaban, Hertina (2022) Knowledge of hypertension and its therapy in laypeople. Indonesian Journal of Pharmacology and Therapy, 3 (3). pp. 100-106. ISSN 2745 455X
Silaban, Hertina and Weubun, Anastasia Novena Brigita and Salutondok, Welly (2022) An Overview of Public Knowledge and Attitudes towards the Use of Herbs during the Covid-19 Pandemic. Journal of Drug Delivery and Therapeutics, 12 (4). pp. 147-153. ISSN 2250 1177
Rahmawati, Fri and Silaban, Hertina (2021) Bioactivity of Kemangi Leaves (Ocimum sanctum) and Ruku Leaves (Ocimum tenuiflorum). International Journal of Health Sciences and Research, 11 (5). pp. 379-391. ISSN 2249 9571
Silaban, Hertina (2021) The Effect of Various Concentrations of Ethanol Extract of the Leaves of Paederia foetida L. on the Growth of Escherichia Coli Bacteria. Journal of Drug Delivery and Therapeutics, 11 (6). pp. 61-67. ISSN 2250 1177
Simatupang, Abraham and Djojosaputro, Mulyadi and Tobing, Roma and Silaban, Hertina and Indrawati, Lili (2020) Integrative Pharmacotherapy Teaching with Objective Structured Pharmacotherapy Examination. Indonesian Journal of Clinical Pharmacy, 9 (1). pp. 18-25. ISSN 2337 5701
Silalahi, Marina and Silaban, Hertina (2019) STUDI LITERATUR: SAUROPUS ANDROGYNUS (PEMANFAATAN DAN TOKSISITASNYA). Jurnak Kesehatan Manarang, 5 (2). pp. 72-79. ISSN 2528 5602
Suryanegara, Wiradi and Silaban, Hertina and Simanjuntak, Tiroy Sari B. The Relationship of Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices Towards Smoking Habits in Students Faculty of Medicine Indonesian Christian University. Galore International Journal of Health Sciences and Research, 9 (4). pp. 71-78. ISSN 2456-9321
Simatupang, Abraham and Kurniaty, Linggom and Djojosaputro, Mulyadi and Sitompul, Fransiska and Silaban, Hertina (2022) Assessment of Prescribing Competence for Medical Students. In: Kegiatan Kongres Nasional Ikatan Farmakologi Indonesia (KONAS IKAFI) XVI, 29 -30 Oktober 2022, Online.
Simatupang, Abraham and Kurniaty, Linggom and Djojosaputro, Mulyadi and Sitompul, Fransiska and Silaban, Hertina (2022) Assessment of Prescribing Competence for Medical Students. In: Kegiatan Kongres Nasional Ikatan Farmakologi Indonesia (KONAS IKAFI) XVI, 29 -30 Oktober 2022, Online.
Kurniaty, Linggom and Sitompul, Fransiska and Tobing, Romauli Lumban and Silaban, Hertina (2022) MODUL PANDUAN PRAKTIKUM BLOK 6 Biomedik Farmakologi Tahun Ajaran 2021/ 2022. PROGRAM STUDI PENDIDIKAN SARJANA KEDOKTERAN FAKULTAS KEDOKTERAN UNIVERSITAS KRISTEN INDONESIA, Jakarta. (Unpublished)
Silaban, Hertina and Simatupang, Abraham (2020) PANDUAN PRAKTIKUM BLOK VI FARMAKOLOGI. FK UKI, Jakarta.
Simatupang, Abraham and DS, Mulyadi and Kurniaty, Linggom and Wei, Tjio Ie and Silaban, Hertina and Tobing, Romauli Lumban and Sitompul, Fransiska (2020) PANDUAN PRAKTIKUM BLOK XIV KARDIOVASKULAR. Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Kristen Indonesia, Jakarta.
Simatupang, Abraham and DS, Mulyadi and Kurniaty, Linggom and Wei, Tjio Ie and Silaban, Hertina and Tobing, Romauli Lumban and Sitompul, Fransiska (2019) PANDUAN PRAKTIKUM BLOK XX GERONTOLOGI. Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Kristen Indonesia, Jakarta.
Simatupang, Abraham and Sitompul, Fransiska and Kurniaty, Linggom and Silaban, Hertina (2023) Panduan Praktikum Blok 14 Kardiovaskular. [Teaching Resource]
Rahmawati, Fri and Rumadas, Laura Nolva and Silaban, Hertina (2020) SKRINING FITOKIMIA DAN TOKSISITAS RUMPUT KEBAR (Biophytum petersianum, Klotzsch). [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)
Silaban, Hertina (2021) Mata Kuliah : Sistem Endokrin, Metabolik & Nutrisi. UKI, Jakarta. (Unpublished)
Silaban, Hertina (2021) Mata Kuliah : Sistem Hematologi dan Imunologi. UKI, Jakarta. (Unpublished)
Silaban, Hertina (2021) Mata Kuliah : Sistem Indera. UKI, Jakarta. (Unpublished)
Silaban, Hertina (2021) Mata Kuliah : Sistem Muskuloskeletal. UKI, Jakarta. (Unpublished)
Silaban, Hertina (2020) Kuliah Pakar Blok 6 Biomedik 6. FK UKI, Jakarta. (Unpublished)
Silaban, Hertina (2020) Kuliah Pakar Blok 6 Biomedik 6 Anti Inflamasi. FK UKI, Jakarta. (Unpublished)
Silaban, Hertina (2020) Kuliah Pakar Blok 6 Biomedik 6 Farmakologi. FK UKI, Jakarta. (Unpublished)