Knowledge of hypertension and its therapy in laypeople

Simatupang, Abraham and Sitompul, Fransiska and Kurniaty, Linggom and Djojosaputro, Mulyadi and Lumbantobing, Romauli and Silaban, Hertina (2022) Knowledge of hypertension and its therapy in laypeople. Indonesian Journal of Pharmacology and Therapy, 3 (3). pp. 100-106. ISSN 2745 455X

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Hypertension is one of the non-communicable diseases that is becoming a global health problem. Hypertension can be identified by systolic blood pressure of 140 mmHg and diastolic 90 mmHg. Uncontrolled hypertension can lead to complications such as stroke, ischemic heart disease, heart attack, heart failure, kidney failure, blindness, etc. According to Basic Health Research 2018 (Riset Kesehatan Dasar 2018/Riskesdas 2018) the prevalence of hypertension for >18 years old was 8.4%, and through measurements taken in health care facilities by 34.1%. Prevalence in the city was 34.4%, in the village was 33.7%, while according to gender 31.3% for male and 36.9% for female. The study aimed to find out the knowledge and awareness of laypeople on hypertension and its therapy. This was a cross-sectional online study with 11 questions. Respondents were recruited from social media groups. The results showed 500 respondents (62.8 % female and 37.2 % male) involved in this study. The most common age range was 21-40 years (36.2 %), followed by 41-55 years (38.2%), and the least was 56-65 years old (18.4%). Seventy-two percent of respondents did not have hypertension, and 9% said they did not know. Fifty-three percent of respondents knew about the value of high blood pressure, and 89% of the respondents said hypertension should be treated regularly. The most hypertension complications answered by respondents were stroke (40%), heart attack (26%), and heart failure (16%). Amlodipine was the most mentioned by the respondents, and the second was ACE-inhibitor. However, omeprazole and omega-3 were also mentioned as anti-hypertension. Genetics and a high salt diet were risk factors that many respondents chose. In conclusion, the respondents have a good understanding of hypertension. Information related to behaviour is needed to discontinue the increasing prevalence. Keywords: hypertension; antihypertensive; adherence; knowledge; awareness/ Hipertensi adalah salah satu penyakit tidak menular yang semakin menjadi masalah global. Hipertensi ditandai dengan tekanan darah systolik 140 mmHg dan diastolik 90 mmHg. Hipertensi yang tidak terkontrol memberi dampak komplikasi ke semua organ dengan berbagai penyakit dan kondisi yang menyebabkan seperti stroke, penyakit jantung iskemik, serangan jantung, gagal jantung, gagal ginjal, kebutaan, dan lain-lain. Menurut Riset Kesehatan Dasar 2018 prevalensi hipertensi untuk usia >18 tahun adalah 8,4%. Menurut pengukuran yang dilakukan di fasilitas pelayanan kesehatan sebesar 34,1%. Prevalensi di kota adalah 34,4%, di desa itu 33,7%, sedangkan menurut jenis kelamin laki-laki 31,3% dan perempuan 36,9%. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui pengetahuan dan kesadaran orang awam tentang hipertensi. Penelitian potong lintang ini dilakukan secara daring dengan mengajukan 11 pertanyaan terhadap responden dari group media sosial. Sebanyak 500 responden (62.8% perempuan, 37.2% pria), dengan kisaran umur terbanyak 41-55 tahun (36.2%), 21-40 tahun (38.2%), dan 56-65 tahun (18,4%) terlibat dalam penelitian. Sebanyak 69% responden tidak menderita hipertensi, sedangkan 21% menderita hipertensi dan 10% menyatakan tidak tahu. Sebanyak 53% responden (213 orang) tahu kriteria tekanan darah tinggi dan 89% responden tahu hipertensi harus diobati teratur. Komplikasi terbanyak menurut responden adalah stroke (40%), serangan jantung (26%) dan gagal jantung (16%). Amlodipin terbanyak disebut oleh responden sebagai antihipertensi, kedua adalah ACE-inhibitor. Masih ada yang menyebutkan omeprazole dan omega-3 sebagai antihipertensi. Faktor genetik dan diet tinggi garam merupakan etiologi dan faktor risiko yang banyak dipilih responden. Dapat disimpulkan responden memiliki pemahaman tentang hipertensi yang cukup baik. Perlu informasi terkait perilaku agar prevalensi hipertensi tidak terus meningkat.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: MEDICINE
Depositing User: Ms Mentari Simanjuntak
Date Deposited: 11 Jan 2023 02:18
Last Modified: 11 Jan 2023 02:18

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