Model dan Strategi Pembelajaran Integratif untuk Mengatasi Academic Burnout Mahasiswa dalam Pendidikan Agama Kristen di Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Pelita Harapan

Silitonga, Roedy (2024) Model dan Strategi Pembelajaran Integratif untuk Mengatasi Academic Burnout Mahasiswa dalam Pendidikan Agama Kristen di Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Pelita Harapan. S3 thesis, Universitas Kristen Indonesia.

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Penelitian ini mengeksplorasi academic burnout pada mahasiswa Kristen dari berbagai tahap pendidikan mereka, mulai dari keluarga, gereja lokal, sekolah hingga perguruan tinggi, dengan fokus pada dampak model dan strategi pembelajaran Agama Kristen terhadap kecenderungan terjadinya academic burnout. Menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan kerangka pemikiran Fenomenologi serta Konstruktivisme, penelitian ini bertujuan memahami pengalaman subjektif mahasiswa dalam mempraktikkan Agama Kristen. Melalui pengamatan, angket, dan wawancara mendalam dengan mahasiswa di Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Pelita Harapan, faktor penyebab academic burnout seperti kurangnya interaktivitas dalam pembelajaran, tekanan akademik yang tinggi, dan kurangnya integrasi spiritual dengan kurikulum pendidikan Agama Kristen diidentifikasi. Peneliti menyoroti perlunya desain pembelajaran yang holistik dan relevan dengan konteks zaman untuk mencegah academic burnout pada mahasiswa Kristen. Rekomendasi meliputi pengembangan model dan strategi pembelajaran integratif, yang interaktif, dan mendalam guna meningkatkan keterlibatan mahasiswa serta mengurangi kebosanan dalam pembelajaran Agama Kristen. Integrasi yang lebih baik antara aspek spiritualitas dan pengalaman belajar akademik diharapkan mendukung kesejahteraan mental dan spiritual mahasiswa secara keseluruhan. Peneliti mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor utama yang mempengaruhi academic burnout pada mahasiswa Kristen dalam konteks pembelajaran Agama Kristen. Kurangnya interaktivitas dalam kelas, tingkat kebosanan, dan ketidakpuasan terhadap metode pembelajaran menjadi faktor penting. Evaluasi dan penyesuaian model pembelajaran dianggap krusial untuk meningkatkan motivasi dan keterlibatan mahasiswa. Dukungan dari dosen serta lingkungan sosial dan emosional di kampus juga penting dalam mengatasi academic burnout. Rekomendasi peneliti meliputi yaitu: peningkatan interaktivitas dalam pembelajaran, penyesuaian kurikulum, dan penguatan dukungan sosial serta spiritual bagi mahasiswa Kristen. Solusi untuk mengurangi risiko academic burnout melibatkan penerapan pendekatan Christ-Centered Constructivism (CCC) dan Integrasi Pembelajaran Agama Kristen (IPAK). Diperlukan kerja sama antara lembaga pendidikan, dosen, dan mahasiswa untuk menciptakan lingkungan pembelajaran yang mendukung pertumbuhan akademik dan spiritual yang seimbang, dengan fokus pada evaluasi dan penyesuaian model pembelajaran. Kata Kunci: Academic Burnout, Mahasiswa Kristen, Pembelajaran Agama Kristen, Christ-Centered Constructivism, Integrasi Pembelajaran. This research explores academic burnout in Christian students from various stages of their education, ranging from family, local church, school to university, focusing on the impact of Christianity learning models and strategies on the tendency of academic burnout. Using a qualitative approach and the framework of Phenomenology and Constructivism, this research aims to understand the subjective experience of students in practicing Christianity. Through observations, questionnaires, and in-depth interviews with students at the Faculty of Education of Universitas Pelita Harapan, factors causing academic burnout such as lack of interactivity in learning, high academic pressure, and lack of spiritual integration with the Christian Religious Education curriculum were identified. This research highlights the need for a holistic and context-relevant learning design to prevent academic burnout in Christian students. Recommendations include the development of integrative, interactive, and immersive learning models and strategies to increase student engagement and reduce boredom in Christian Religious learning. Better integration between aspects of spirituality and academic learning experiences is expected to support students' overall mental and spiritual well-being. Researcher identified the main factors that influence academic burnout in Christian university students in the context of learning Christianity. Lack of interactivity in the classroom, level of boredom, and dissatisfaction with learning methods are important factors. Evaluation and adjustment of learning models were considered crucial to increase student motivation and engagement. Support from lecturers and the social and emotional environment on campus are also important in overcoming academic burnout. Researcher recommendations include increasing interactivity in learning, adjusting the curriculum, and strengthening social and spiritual support for Christian students. Solutions to reduce the risk of academic burnout involve the application of the Christ-Centered Constructivism (CCC) approach and the Integration of Christian Religious Learning (IPAK). Collaboration between educational institutions, lecturers, and students is needed to create a learning environment that supports balanced academic and spiritual growth, with a focus on evaluating and adjusting learning models. Keywords: Academic Burnout, Christian Students, Christian Religious Learning, ChristCentered Constructivism, Integration of Learning

Item Type: Thesis (S3)
Thesis advisorPentury,
Thesis advisorJura,
Thesis advisorKolibu, Dirk RoyNIDN2307076701<
Subjects: PHILOSOPHY. PSYCHOLOGY. RELIGION > Doctrinal Theology > Doctrine and dogma
EDUCATION > Education (General)
EDUCATION > Theory and practice of education > Education and training of teachers and administrators > Teacher training in universities and colleges
Divisions: PROGRAM PASCASARJANA > Doktor Pendidikan Agama Kristen
Depositing User: Mr Roedy Silitonga
Date Deposited: 12 Mar 2025 07:01
Last Modified: 12 Mar 2025 07:01

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