Peran Sutradara dalam Pembuatan Video Company Profile CV. Link Parking

Toa, Selviana (2024) Peran Sutradara dalam Pembuatan Video Company Profile CV. Link Parking. S1 thesis, Universitas Kristen Indonesia.

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Video company profile memberikan daya tarik tersendiri bagi perusahaan karena memiliki beberapa unsur dari multimedia seperti video,audio,teks, dan gambar. Video company profile menyajikan informasi mengenai identitas produk dan layanan perusahaan sehingga dapat menciptakan pendekatan individual yang kemudian dapat membangun kepercayaan untuk menarik minat klien. Dalam pembuatan video company profile memerlukan peran sutradara yang bertugas membuat script, menentukan angle shot bersama videographer dan juga controlling saat proses pengambilan video agar hasil akhir mencerminkan identitas perusahaan secara efektif. Hal tersebut tentunya sangat berpengaruh bagi semua perusahaan, termasuk salah satunya perusahaan yang bekerja di jasa perparkiran yaitu CV. Link Parking.Sutradara bertanggungjawab menyusun alur cerita yang menarik dalam membawakan karya-karya terpilih, menentukan urutan, ritme, dan transisi yang tepat agar informasi tersampaikan dengan jelas dan memikat perhatian audience. Gaya visual dan pencitraan sutradara menentukan gaya visual dan pendekatan penceritaan yang digunakan dalam membawakan karya. sutradara bekerja untuk mengemas informasi tentang proyek-proyek secara menarik dan mudah dipahami. Sutradara memastikan bahwa detail penting seperti tantangan, solusi, hasil, dan dampak disampaikan dengan jelas dan efektif. -bahwa sutradara memegang peran penting dalam keseluruhan proses produksi. Peran sutradara dalam pembuatan video comany profile CV. Link Parking sangat penting dalam perubahan identitas dan visi perusahaan ke dalam bentuk visual yang menarik dan informatif. Sutradara menciptakan storytelling yang menghubungkan solusi perusahaan dengan kebutuhan masyarakat melalui penggabungan elemen teknis perparkiran. Keunggulan fasilitas sistem parkir CV. Link Parking ditampilkan melalui penggunaan teknik sinematografi yang tepat, seperti pengambilan gambar yang detail. / Company profile videos provide a special attraction for companies because they have several elements of multimedia such as video, audio, text, and images. The company profile video presents information about the identity of the company's products and services so that it can create an individualized approach which can then build trust to attract clients. Making a company profile video requires the role of a director who is in charge of creating a script, determining the angle shot with the videographer and also controlling the video shooting process so that the final result reflects the company's identity effectively. This is certainly very influential for all companies, including one of them, a company that works in parking services, namely CV. The director is responsible for composing an interesting storyline in presenting selected works, determining the right sequence, rhythm, and transition so that the information is conveyed clearly and captivates the audience's attention. The visual style and imagery of the director determines the visual style and storytelling approach used in presenting the work. the director works to package information about the projects in an attractive and easy-to-understand manner. The director ensures that important details such as challenges, solutions, outcomes and impacts are conveyed clearly and effectively. -The director plays an important role in the entire production process. The role of the director in the making of CV. Link Parking is crucial in transforming the company's identity and vision into an attractive and informative visual form. The director creates storytelling that connects the company's solutions with the needs of the community through the incorporation of technical elements of parking. The advantages of CV. Link Parking parking system facilities are displayed through the use of appropriate cinematographic techniques, such as detailed shots.

Item Type: Thesis (S1)
Thesis advisorSasongko, SinggihUNSPECIFIEDUNSPECIFIED
Depositing User: Users 5303 not found.
Date Deposited: 19 Aug 2024 06:02
Last Modified: 19 Aug 2024 06:02

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