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Manalu, Ester Puti Andyni and Utomo, Bambang Suprayogi Resi (2024) Characteristics of Tonsillitis Patients in Children at Univesitas Kristen Indonesia Hospital, 2010-2017. MEDIS - Medical Science and Research, 3 (1). pp. 27-30. ISSN 2671-3497
Saputra, Egon Ilman and Utomo, Bambang Suprayogi Resi (2023) Association between obstructive sleep apnea and sleep quality. ORLI, 53 (2). pp. 161-167. ISSN 2598-3970
Utomo, Bambang Suprayogi Resi and Kusumawati, Dyah Sari and Saputra, Egon Ilman and Hanny, Hervina Restianty (2023) Efficacy of topical povidone iodine ear drops 5% in chronic suppurative otitis media. ORLI, 53 (1). pp. 66-71. ISSN 2598-3970
Kumiyanto, Kumiyanto and Setianegari, Yessi and Kurniaty, Linggom and Danny E.J., Luhulima and Utomo, Bambang Suprayogi Resi and Langi, Louisa Ariantje and Arodes, Evy S and Wiyanto, Marwito and Suarthana, Eva and Wahyuningsih, Retno (2022) Factors associated with death and ICU referral among COVID-19 patients hospitalized in the secondary referral academic hospital in East Jakarta, Indonesia. Journal of Clinical Virology Plus, 2 (2). pp. 1-6.
Poluan, Fransiskus Harf and Utomo, Bambang Suprayogi Resi and Dharmayanti, Jaene (2021) PROFILE BENIGN TYPE OF CHRONIC SUPPURATIVE OTITIS MEDIA IN GENERAL HOSPITAL OF THE CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY OF INDONESIA. International Journal of Research -GRANTHAALAYAH, 9 (4). pp. 229-239. ISSN 2350 0530
Parhusip, Tio Dora and Utomo, Bambang Suprayogi Resi and Marlina, Lina and Poluan, Fransiskus Harf and Falorin, Jurita and Nurfachri, Adli and Pohan, Dame Joyce (2020) Bakteri Penyebab Otitis Media Supuratif Kronis di Rumah Sakit Umum Universitas Kristen Indonesia. Majalah Kedokteran UKI, 36 (1). pp. 19-23. ISSN 0216 4752
Sari, Noni N. and Utomo, Bambang Suprayogi Resi and Marlina, Lina and Poluan, Fransiskus Harf and Pohan, Dame Joyce (2019) Pola Kepekaan Bakteri yang Diisolasi dari Liang Telinga Penderita Otitis Media Supuratif Kronis Terhadap Antibiotik. Majalah Kedokteran UKI, 35 (4). pp. 157-162. ISSN 0216 4752
Sari, Noni N. and Utomo, Bambang Suprayogi Resi and Marlina, Lina and Poluan, Fransiskus Harf and Pohan, Dame Joyce (2019) Pola Kepekaan Bakteri yang Diisolasi dari Liang Telinga Penderita Otitis Media Supuratif Kronis Terhadap Antibiotik. Majalah Kedokteran UKI, 35 (4). pp. 157-162. ISSN 0216 4752
Utomo, Bambang Suprayogi Resi and Marlina, Lina and Foluan, Fransiskus and Falorin, Jurita and Luhulima, Danny Ernest Jonas and Sitompul, Yunita R.M.B (2019) Profile of Allergic Rhinitis Based on Nasal Eosinophil Count, Total Nasal Symptoms Score and Peak Nasal Inspiratory Flow. Majalah Kedokteran UKI, 35 (1). ISSN 0216 4752
Utomo, Bambang Suprayogi Resi and Hatta, Mochammad and Pratiwi, Sutji and Massi, Muhammad Nasrum and Marlina, Lina and Simanjuntak, Erica Gilda Misnawati (2018) Analysis of Forkhead Box Protein-3 (Foxp3) in Allergic Rhinitis Patients. International Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery, 7 (4). pp. 228-236. ISSN 2168 5460
Sirait, Robert Hotman and Hatta, Mochammad and Ramli, Muhammad and Siagian, Carmen Minerva and Utomo, Bambang Suprayogi Resi and Simanjuntak, Tigor Peniel (2018) Lidocaine suppressed hyperinflammation in BALB/c mice model sterile injury via downregulation of toll-like receptor 4. Egyptian Journal of Anaesthesia, 34 (4). pp. 135-137. ISSN 1110 1849
Utomo, Bambang Suprayogi Resi (2018) Profil Klinis Otitis Media Akut di Rumah Sakit Umum Universitas Kristen Indonesia. Majalah Kedokteran UKI, 34 (1). pp. 41-43. ISSN 0216 4752
Sirait, Robert Hotman and Hatta, Mochammad and Arief, Syafri K. and Simanjuntak, Tigor Peniel and Utomo, Bambang Suprayogi Resi (2018) Profile of HMGB1 mRNA Expression and TLR4 Protein in BALB/c Mice Model Sterile Injury after Systemic Lidocaine Administration. Pharmacognosy Journal, 10 (3). pp. 586-589. ISSN 0975 3575
Utomo, Bambang Suprayogi Resi and Hatta, Mochammad and Sirait, Robert Hotman and Pratiwi, Sutji and Massi, Muhammad Nasrum (2018) The Role of Cytokine Interleukin-2,Transcription Factor of FoxP3 in the Immunological Regulation of Allergic Rhinitis. International Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery, 7 (1). pp. 7-19. ISSN 2168 5460
Sirait, Robert Hotman and Hatta, Mochammad and Ramli, Muhammad and Simanjuntak, Tigor Peniel and Utomo, Bambang Suprayogi Resi and Islam, Andi Asadul and Arief, Syafri K. (2017) The Analysis of the Effective Systemic Lidocaine Dosage on the Expression of HMGB1 mRNA on Mice with Sterile Musculoskeletal Injury. Open Journal of Anesthesiology, 7 (2). pp. 35-41. ISSN 2164 5558
Marlina, Lina and Sasube, Lawrence and Utomo, Bambang Suprayogi Resi (2020) Keberhasilan Miringoplasti Konvensional dengan Menggunakan Kertas Perkamen Pada Perempuan 23 Tahun dengan Perforasi Membran Timpani:Laporan Kasus. In: Bunga Rampai Karya Ilmiah Dosen “Digitalisasi dan Internasionalisasi Menuju APT Unggul dan UKI Hebat” Dies Natalis ke 67 Universitas Kristen Indonesia. UKI Press, Jakarta, pp. 280-291.
Utomo, Bambang Suprayogi Resi and Silvanaputri, Destinea (2018) HUBUNGAN GANGGUAN PENDENGARAN DENGAN KUALITAS HIDUP PADA LANSIA DI SASANA TRESNA WERDHA KARYABAKTI RIA PEMBANGUNAN CIBUBUR TAHUN 2018. In: Bunga Rampai Saintifika FK UKI (Nomor 6). FK UKI, Indonesia, Jakarta, pp. 1-6. ISBN 978 602 1651 80 3
Utomo, Bambang Suprayogi Resi (2020) Efek Irigasi Normal Saline Terhadap Skor Endoskopi Dan Skor Kualitas Hidup Penderita Rinosinusitis Kronik Pasca Operasi Sinus. Telaah Sitemik Dan Meta Analisis. Project Report. Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Kristen Indonesia, Jakarta. (Unpublished)