Transformational Leadership and Emotional Intelligence

Kailola, Lisa Gracia (2020) Transformational Leadership and Emotional Intelligence. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2019). Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, 401 . Atlantis Press SARL, pp. 210-212. ISBN 978 94 6252 902 1

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The leader is someone who is able to develop the ability within himself and also develop the ability of others to achieve company goals. Many companies invest in the field of human resource development, especially in leadership development programs because they realize how important the role of leaders is in managing the company. The challenges faced by companies today can not only be overcome through the cognitive or scientific approach of a leader but must also be addressed through approaches that require a leader's emotional intelligence. This paper tries to describe an important part in developing a potential leader, through emotional intelligence approach, as an agenda for developing human resources in the future. Keywords: transformational leadership, emotional intelligence

Item Type: Book Section
Depositing User: Mr. Admin Repository
Date Deposited: 14 Sep 2022 09:30
Last Modified: 14 Sep 2022 09:32

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