Simatupang, Januar and Togar, Yakob and Tondang, Advenny Elisabeth (2020) KARAKTERISTIK FAKTOR RISIKO ANEMIA DEFISIENSI BESI DALAM KEHAMILAN. Jurnal Ilmiah Widya Kesehatan Dan Lingkungan, 2 (1). pp. 33-36. ISSN 2337 7793

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The prevalence of maternal anemia during pregnancy in Indonesia keeps rising thus causing issues and complications on pregnancy. Several risk factors have been associated with anemia in pregnancy. This research aims to identify the risks associated with anemia occurrence during pregnancy. This study is cohort retrospective design performed on pregnant women (n=56) who are eligible based on the inclusion criteria. Study samples are recruited at South Manggarai Primary Public Health Facility during the period of January 2018-March 2019. Samples consisting of healthy pregnant women (n=28) and those who are anemic (n=28). Several risk factors then analyzed and associated with maternal anemia, these are maternal age, pre-pregnancy BMI (Body Mass Index), the timing of iron supplementation, parity, level of education, and gestational age when anemia first had been detected. Pregnant women whose BMI are underweight (RR 2.3 95% CI, p< 0.002), multiparous women (RR 1.3 95% CI, p<0.007), and third trimester pregnancy (RR 1.6 95% CI, p<0.03) increased in risk of developing anemia in pregnancy. Starting iron supplementation from the first trimester reduces the risk of developing anemia (RR 0.4 95% CI, p< 0.006) and statistic significance is shown (p-value <0.05). Although considered as not statistic significant, low-level education (RR 2,1 95% CI), and minimal gestational weight gain (RR 1.4 95% CI) show to increase risk of developing anemia in pregnancy. Pre-pregnancy BMI, timing of iron supplementation, parity, and gestational age are associated with iron deficiency anemia in pregnancy.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: MEDICINE
Depositing User: Mr. Admin Repository
Date Deposited: 20 Jan 2021 09:08
Last Modified: 02 Jun 2022 07:57
URI: http://repository.uki.ac.id/id/eprint/3121

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