Benefit of stem cells for rejuvenation and antiaging

Harlim, Ago (2017) Benefit of stem cells for rejuvenation and antiaging. In: Seminar Simposium & Workshop Benefit of Stem Cells in Laser _, 9-10 Desember 2017, Surakarta.

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Stem cell is a cell that has ability to continuously divide, differentiate, and develop into various other kinds of cells/tissues. Stem cell nowadays is widely used for rejuvenation and anti aging therapy Methods We used adult stem cell which found in adipose tissue, which collected from liposuction, and then we made SVF (stromal vascular fraction) from the fat. The intravenous SVF injection technique used for anti aging therapy and some mixed with fat used for fat transfer as a aesthetic filler. Result Fat with SVF may improved the fat graft survival rate, producing longer lasting aesthetic result. SVF intravenous also can be used as anti aging therapy. Conclusion Stem cell as SVF can be used for rejuvenation and anti aging

Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item (Speech)
Subjects: MEDICINE > Dermatology
Depositing User: Mr. Admin Repository
Date Deposited: 18 May 2020 05:10
Last Modified: 18 May 2020 05:10

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