Penatalaksanaan Fisioterapi pada Kondisi Sprain Ankle Sinistra

Malau, Anre Novita Sari Br (2023) Penatalaksanaan Fisioterapi pada Kondisi Sprain Ankle Sinistra. D3 thesis, Universitas Kristen Indonesia.

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Nama : Anre Novita Sari Br Malau Program studi : D-III Fisioterapi Judul : Penatalaksanaan Fisioterapi pada Kasus Sprain Ankle Pembimbing : Rosintan M Napitupulu, AMd.Ft., SKM., MKM Latar Belakang : Sprain Ankle adalah Sprain atau dalam bahasa awam dikenal dengan keseleo, cedera ini bisa terjadi karena peregangan yang berlebihan maupun stres secara mendadak pada sendi ankle sehingga menyebabkan robeknya ligamen yang berfungsi sebagai stabilitas persendian terhadap gerakan yang dilakukan. Tujuan : Untuk mengetahui penatalaksanaan fisioterapi pada kondisi sprain ankle sinistra dengan menggunakan modalitas terapi Tens, Ultrasound dan terapi latihan free active ke active resisted exercise. Metode : Metode penelitian studi kasus (case study) berisi tentang hasil intervensi fisioterapi menggunakan modalitas terapi Tens, Ultrasound dan terapi latihan free active ke active resisted exercise. Hasil : Setelah dilakukan terapi sebanyak 3 kali didapat hasil penilaian nyeri gerak Sprain ankle menurun pada Terapi Pertama 4 skala NPRS menjadi Terapi ke dua 5 skala NPRS, kekuatan otot (MMT) sprain ankle sinistra pada Terapi Pertama 4 menjadi Terapi ke dua 5 melawan tahanan abduksi shoulder sinistra Terapi Pertama tidak mampu melawan tahanan, Kesimpulan : terapi Tens,Ultrasound dan terapi latihan free active ke active resisted exercise dapat mengurangi nyeri, meningkatkan kekuatan otot dan meningkatkan aktivitas fungsional pada kasus sprain ankle Kata Kunci : Sprain Ankle, Tens, Ultrasound dan terapi latihan free active ke active resisted exercise. / Name : Anre novita sari Study program: D-III Physiotherapy Title : Physiotherapy Management in Ankle Sprain Cases Advisor : Rosintan M Napitupulu, AMd.Ft., SKM., MKM Background: Ankle sprain is a sprain or in layman's language it is known as a sprain, this injury can occur due to excessive stretching or sudden stress on the ankle joint, causing tearing of the ligaments that function as joint stability against movements performed.Objectives: To determine the physiotherapy management of the left ankle sprain by using the therapeutic modalities of Tens, Ultrasound and free active exercise therapy to active resisted exercise.Method: The case study research method contains the results of the interventionphysiotherapy uses Tens therapy modalities, Ultrasound and free active exercise therapy to active resisted exercise.Results: After 3 times of therapy, the results of the assessment of motion pain were obtained The ankle sprain decreased on the 4 NPRS scale to a 2 scale NPRS, left ankle sprain muscle strength (MMT) at 4 to 5,against left shoulder abduction resistance T1: unable to resist resistance,Conclusion: Tens therapy, Ultrasound and free active exercise therapy to active resisted exercise can reduce pain, increase muscle strength and increase functional activity in cases of sprained ankle Keywords: Sprain Ankle, Tens, Ultrasound and free active exercise therapy to active resisted exercise

Item Type: Thesis (D3)
Thesis advisorNapitupulu, Ronsintan
Subjects: MEDICINE
MEDICINE > Medicine (General)
MEDICINE > Pathology
MEDICINE > Pathology > Pathological anatomy and histology
Divisions: FAKULTAS VOKASI > Fisioterapi
Depositing User: Users 4119 not found.
Date Deposited: 23 Apr 2024 03:14
Last Modified: 23 Apr 2024 03:14

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