Perancangan Stasiun LRT (Light Rail Transit) Pasar Pramuka di Jakarta Pusat dengan Penerapan TOD (Transit Oriented Development)

Wirawan, Luky (2024) Perancangan Stasiun LRT (Light Rail Transit) Pasar Pramuka di Jakarta Pusat dengan Penerapan TOD (Transit Oriented Development). S1 thesis, Universitas Kristen Indonesia.

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Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh proyek LRT Jakarta fase 1B yang sedang berlangsung, di mana hanya satu stasiun LRT yang direncanakan untuk dihubungkan dengan stasiun kereta. Potensi integrasi yang besar terlihat pada Stasiun LRT Pasar Pramuka yang terletak dekat dengan Stasiun KRL Kramat, namun hingga saat ini belum diintegrasikan. Selain itu, Taman Pramuka yang berada di sekitar area perancangan tidak difungsikan dengan baik dan sering digunakan oleh remaja untuk mabuk di malam hari, menciptakan lingkungan yang kurang aman dan nyaman. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang Stasiun LRT Pasar Pramuka di Jakarta Pusat dengan pendekatan Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) dalam rangka meningkatkan efisiensi dan kenyamanan transportasi umum. Metode yang digunakan melibatkan analisis kondisi eksisting, identifikasi kebutuhan pengguna transportasi umum, serta pemodelan dan simulasi untuk memastikan efektivitas solusi yang diusulkan. Dihasilkanlah perancangan yang diharapkan dapat menciptakan lingkungan yang ramah pengguna, efisien, dan berkelanjutan, serta memperkuat integrasi antarmoda transportasi di sekitar area perancangan. Penelitian ini juga mencakup perbaikan dan revitalisasi Taman Pramuka untuk menciptakan ruang publik yang lebih aman dan fungsional, memberikan kontribusi penting terhadap pengembangan sistem transportasi kota yang lebih baik dan terpadu. / This research is motivated by the ongoing Jakarta LRT phase 1B project, where only one LRT station is planned to be connected to a train station. A significant integration potential is seen at the Pasar Pramuka LRT Station, which is located near the Kramat Commuter Line Station, but it has not yet been integrated. Additionally, the Pramuka Park in the surrounding area is not utilized properly and is often used by teenagers for drinking at night, creating an unsafe and uncomfortable environment. This study aims to design the Pasar Pramuka LRT Station in Central Jakarta with a Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) approach to improve the efficiency and comfort of public transportation. The methods used involve analyzing existing conditions, identifying the needs of public transportation users, and modeling and simulation to ensure the effectiveness of the proposed solutions. The resulting design is expected to create a user-friendly, efficient, and sustainable environment, and strengthen the integration of transportation modes around the design area. This research also includes the improvement and revitalization of Pramuka Park to create a safer and more functional public space, making a significant contribution to the development of a better and more integrated urban transportation system.

Item Type: Thesis (S1)
Thesis advisorErwin,
Thesis advisorIsmanto,
Subjects: TECHNOLOGY > Railroad engineering and operation > High speed ground transporation
TECHNOLOGY > Railroad engineering and operation > Railway construction
TECHNOLOGY > Building construction
TECHNOLOGY > Building construction > Systems of building construction Including fireproof construction, concrete construction
TECHNOLOGY > Building construction > Details in building design and construction Including walls, roofs
TECHNOLOGY > Building construction > Buildings: Construction with reference to use Including public buildings, dwellings
TECHNOLOGY > Building construction > Construction by phase of the work (Building trades)
TECHNOLOGY > Building construction > Environmental engineering of buildings. Sanitary engineering of buildings
TECHNOLOGY > Building construction > Decoration and decorative furnishings
TECHNOLOGY > Building construction > Architectural engineering. Structural engineering of buildings
TECHNOLOGY > Building construction > Construction equipment in building
Divisions: FAKULTAS TEKNIK > Arsitektur
Depositing User: Luky Wirawan
Date Deposited: 12 Sep 2024 02:02
Last Modified: 12 Sep 2024 03:12

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