Peran Pengguna Media Sosial X dalam Pencegahan Bullying (Studi pada Remaja GBI Kamboja Depok)

Hutasoit, Yosafat Sahala Tua (2024) Peran Pengguna Media Sosial X dalam Pencegahan Bullying (Studi pada Remaja GBI Kamboja Depok). S1 thesis, Universitas Kristen Indonesia.

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Bullying telah menjadi fenomena yang mendapat perhatian global karena dampak negatifnya terhadap kesejahteraan individu. Terutama, perkembangan teknologi dan penetrasi media sosial telah memperluas cakupan bullying, termasuk di Gereja Bethel Indonesia (GBI) Kamboja. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami peran remaja dalam upaya pencegahan bullying di media sosial, dengan fokus pada kontribusi mereka dalam menemukan solusi secara hening. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan wawancara mendalam terhadap sejumlah remaja aktif di media sosial X dari komunitas GBI Kamboja. Penelitian ini menggunakan konsep yaitu Spiral of Silence. Temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa remaja GBI Kamboja berperan penting dalam mengidentifikasi, memahami, dan merespons tindakan bullying di platform media sosial. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa remaja gereja awalnya cenderung merasa takut atau ragu untuk berpendapat terkait pencegahan bullying karena persepsi mereka sebagai kelompok minoritas. Namun, melalui interaksi dalam media sosial X, beberapa anggota kelompok minoritas ini berhasil mematahkan Spiral of Silence dengan berani menyuarakan pendapat mereka. Hasil penelitian ini memberikan wawasan yang berharga tentang peran remaja dalam melawan bullying di media sosial. Implikasi praktisnya mencakup perlunya pendekatan kolaboratif antara remaja, keluarga, gereja, dan pihak terkait lainnya dalam mengembangkan solusi yang efektif. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga memberikan kontribusi teoritis terhadap pemahaman tentang bagaimana remaja dapat menjadi agen perubahan dalam memerangi bullying dalam konteks digital. / Bullying has become a phenomenon that has garnered global attention due to its negative impact on individual well-being. Particularly, the development of technology and the penetration of social media have expanded the scope of bullying, including at Gereja Bethel Indonesia (GBI) in Cambodia. This research aims to understand the role of teenagers in preventing bullying on social media, focusing on their contributions in finding solutions quietly. The study uses a qualitative approach with in-depth interviews with several active teenagers on social media platform X from the GBI Cambodia community. The research employs the concept of the Spiral of Silence. The findings indicate that GBI Cambodia teenagers play a crucial role in identifying, understanding, and responding to bullying on social media platforms. The study shows that church teenagers initially tend to feel afraid or hesitant to express opinions on bullying prevention due to their perception as a minority group. However, through interactions on social media platform X, some members of this minority group have managed to break the spiral of silence by courageously voicing their opinions. The results of this research provide valuable insights into the role of teenagers in combating bullying on social media. Practical implications include the need for a collaborative approach between teenagers, families, churches, and other relevant parties to develop effective solutions. Additionally, this study contributes theoretically to the understanding of how teenagers can become agents of change in fighting bullying in a digital context.

Item Type: Thesis (S1)
Thesis advisorVida, Helen
Subjects: SOCIAL SCIENCES > Social sciences (General)
SOCIAL SCIENCES > Social history and conditions. Social problems
SOCIAL SCIENCES > Social history and conditions. Social problems > The church and social problems
EDUCATION > Theory and practice of education > School life. Student manners and customs
Depositing User: Users 5361 not found.
Date Deposited: 22 Aug 2024 04:24
Last Modified: 28 Aug 2024 07:52

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