Pengaruh Pendidikan Kristen Terhadap Spiritualitas Remaja Dengan Teman Sebaya dan Media Sosial Sebagai Moderasi - Mediasi = Christian Education’s Impact On Teenage Spirituality: Peers and Social Media as Moderation and Mediation

Zalukhu, Amirrudin (2024) Pengaruh Pendidikan Kristen Terhadap Spiritualitas Remaja Dengan Teman Sebaya dan Media Sosial Sebagai Moderasi - Mediasi = Christian Education’s Impact On Teenage Spirituality: Peers and Social Media as Moderation and Mediation. S3 thesis, Universitas Kristen Indonesia.

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Penelitian ini menguji pengaruh Pendidikan Kristen terhadap spiritualitas remaja. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan studi korelasional dan pengolahan data melalui SmartPLS 3.2.9 dengan responden sebanyak 286 orang. Variabel bebas pada penelitian ini Pendidikan Kristen dari orang tua di keluarga, Pendidikan Kristen daripembina Rohani di gereja, Pendidikan Kristen dari guru Pendidikan agama Kristen di sekolah. Variabel moderasi – mediasi yaitu teman sebaya dan media sosial, sedangkan variabel terikat adalah spiritualitas remaja. Hasil penelitian hubungan langsung menunjukkan bahwa Pendidikan Kristen dari orang tua di keluarga, Pendidikan Kristen dari Pembina Rohani di gereja, Pendidikan Kristen dari guru Pendidikan Agama Kristen di sekolah, teman sebaya dan media sosial berpengaruh signifikan terhadap spiritualitas remaja dengan effect size rendah dan determinasi sebesar 44,3%. Hasil penelitian pengaruh hubungan moderasi menunjukkan bahwa teman sebaya berpengaruh signifikan pada hubungan Pendidikan Kristen dari orang tua di keluarga terhadap spiritualitas remaja Gereja Kristus dengan effect size tinggi dan diklasifikasikan sebagai prediktor moderasi (predictor moderasi). Hasil penelitian pengaruh hubungan mediasi menunjukkan bahwa teman sebaya dan media sosial berpengaruh signifikan pada hubungan Pendidikan Kristen dari Pembina Rohani di gereja Pendidikan Kristen dari guru Pendidikan agama Kristen di sekolah terhadap spiritualitas remaja dengan effect size mediasi rendah dan diklasifikasikan mediasi sebagian (partial mediation). Penelitian ini menujukkan Pendidikan Kristen dari orang tua, Pembina Rohani dan guru Pendidikan agama Kristen meningkatkan spiritualitas remaja Kristen dan mendorong para pembina rohani dan guru Pendidikan agama Kristen agar mendesain kurikulum pembinaan keluarga dan remaja. / This study aims to examine the effect of Christian education on teenage spirituality. The study employs a quantitative approach, with 286 respondents who were processed using the structural equation modelling (SEM) with partial least square (PLS) approach. The independent variables in this study Christian education by parents in the family, Christian education by spiritual mentors at church, and Christian education by Christian religious education teachers at school. The moderating and mediating variables are peers and social media, while the dependent variable is teenage spirituality. The results of the research on direct relationships show that Christian education by parents in the family, Christian education by spiritual mentors at church, Christian education by Christian religious education teachers at school, peers, and social media have a significant effect on teenage spirituality, with a low effect size and a determination of 44.3%. The research results on the moderating relationship show that peers significantly influence the relationship between Christian education by parents in the family and the spirituality of teenagers at the Church of Christ, with a high effect size, classifying them as a moderating predictor. Additionally, the research on the mediation relationships indicates that peers and social media significantly affect the relationship between Christian education by spiritual mentors in churches and Christian education by Christian religious education teachers in schools on teenage spirituality, with a low mediation effect size, classifying it as partial mediation. This research show that Christian education by parents, spiritual mentors, and Christian religious education teachers enhances the spirituality of Christian teenagers. It also encourages these spiritual mentors and Christian religious education teachers to develop spirituality curricula for family and teenagers.

Item Type: Thesis (S3)
Thesis advisorSimatupang,
Thesis advisorKolibu, Dirk
Thesis advisorKia, A
Divisions: PROGRAM PASCASARJANA > Doktor Pendidikan Agama Kristen
Depositing User: Mr Amirrudin Zalukhu
Date Deposited: 24 May 2024 10:04
Last Modified: 24 May 2024 10:04

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