Silaban, Gilbert Tua Novensius and Tampubolon, Sudarno P and Mulyani, Agnes Sri and Felestin, Felestin (2023) Performance Evaluation of High-rise Buildings with Respons Spectrum Analysis and Time History Analysis. SCIENCE TECH : Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi, 9 (1). pp. 84-95. ISSN 2579-3624
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Pulau Jawa merupakan salah satu wilayah yang mempunyai infrastruktur dan penduduk paling padat. Disamping itu pada wilayah tersebut juga terdapat kota-kota besar sepanjang lajur potensi bahaya gempa bumi. Secara geologis wilayah Pulau Jawa terletak di zona konvergen yaitu zona tumbukan antara lempeng Indo-Australia dan lempeng Eurasia sehingga menyebabkan wilayah ini banyak terdapat gunung api aktif dan memiliki potensi tinggi terhadap gempa bumi. Oleh karena itu penting dilakukan tinjauan beban gempa rencana dalam perencaan desain struktur bangunan terhadap wilayah dan fungsi bangunan sebagai antisipasi meminimalisir bahkan mencegah kerugian apabila terjadi gempa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kinerja struktur terhadap displacement, drift dan batas stabilitas struktur terhadap beban gempa bedasarkan peraturan (Badan Standarisasi Nasional, 1726:2019). Proses evaluasi dilakukan dengan pemodelan 3d bangunan menggunakan program software ETABS v.17, analisis berdasarkan analisis dinamik linear riwayat waktu dan respon spektrum. Analisis riwayat waktu menggunakan catatan rekaman gempa Kobe, California, dan San Francisco yang di match terhadap gempa respon spektrum, hasil analisis berdasarkan program dilakukan untuk membandingkan dua metode yang digunakan. Berdasarkan hasil analisis, nilai rata-rata displacement dilantai 4 sampai lantai 12 arah horizontal X melebihi nilai drift. Hasil batas koefisien stabilitas struktur terhadap displacement berdasarkan pengaruh P-Delta perlu dilakukan desain ulang terhadap kekakuan struktur kolom atau penambahan dinding geser pada arah horizontal X bangunan. Kata Kunci: Pemindahan; Drift; Riwayat waktu; Respon spektrum. / Java Island is one of the areas that have the densest infrastructure and population. Besides that, the area also has big cities along the potential earthquake hazard lane. Geologically, Java Island is located in a convergent zone, namely the collision zone between the Indo-Australian plate and the Eurasian plate, causing this area to have many active volcanoes and a high potential for earthquakes. These emphasize the importance of seismic load review in the design of earthquake-resistant building structures. This study aims to determine the structure's performance against displacement, drift, and structural stability limits against earthquake loads based on SNI 1726:2019 regulations. The evaluation process uses 3d modeling of the building using the ETABS v.17 software program and is analyzed based on linear dynamic analysis of time history and spectrum response. Time history analysis used earthquake records from Kobe, California, and San Francisco which matched with the earthquake response spectrum. The results are based on the program performed to compare the two methods used. Based on the analysis results, the average displacement value on the 4th to 12th floors in the horizontal X direction exceeds the drift value. The results of the structural stability coefficient limits on displacement based on the PDelta effect need to be redesigned for the rigidity of the column structure or the addition of shear walls in the X horizontal direction of the building. Keywords: Displacement; Drift; Time history; Respons spectrume.
Item Type: | Article |
Subjects: | TECHNOLOGY |
Depositing User: | Mr Sahat Maruli Tua Sinaga |
Date Deposited: | 14 Dec 2023 07:23 |
Last Modified: | 14 Dec 2023 07:23 |
URI: | |
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