Analisis Hukum Penerapan Keadilan Restoratif dalam Upaya Mereformasi Sistem Peradilan Umum di Indonesia

Nurcahyo, Edi (2023) Analisis Hukum Penerapan Keadilan Restoratif dalam Upaya Mereformasi Sistem Peradilan Umum di Indonesia. S2 thesis, Universitas Kristen Indonesia.

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ABSTRAK Salah satu ciri sistem peradilan hukum adalah hukum bersifat adil, siapapun yang melakukan perbuatan pelanggaran hukum akan ditindak, tidak memihak kepada siapapun, dan tidak seorangpun kebal terhadap hukum. Namun demikian dalam hal kondisi penegakan hukum (law enforcement) di Indonesia saat ini lebih mengutamakan pemidanaan/penjara. Sebagai salah satu prinsip penegakan hukum dalam penyelesaian perkara yang dapat dijadikan instrumen keadilan restoratif atau restorative justice yang dalam mekanisme (tata cara peradilan pidana) fokus pidana diubah menjadi proses dialog dan mediasi. Secara normatif, penerapan keadilan restoratif ini tidak hanya berorientasi pada hukuman penjara, tapi mengarah pada penyelarasan kepentingan pemulihan korban dan pertanggungjawaban pelaku yang bersifat non pemenjaraan dalam perkara pidana tertentu, seperti perkara anak, perempuan, narkotika, tindak pidana ringan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk 1) Bagaimana analisa restorative justice dalam sistem peradilan umum di Indonesia? 2) Bagaimana analisa penerapan restorative justice di lembaga penegak hukum dalam mereformasi sistem peradilan umum di Indonesia? Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif analitis yuridis hukum normatif. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa: 1) Restorative justice secara normatif telah menjadi satu mekanisme penyelesaian perkara hukum dalam konteks criminal justice system dengan stakeholders utama di Kepolisian, Kejaksaan dan Pengadilan. Pengembangan berbagai institusi hukum seperti Kepolisian, Kejaksaan, Pengadilan dan institusi hukum lainnya dalam proses penyelidikan dan penyidikan, penangkapan, penahanan, penuntutan, sampai pemeriksaan di sidang pengadilan. Kepolisian dalam sistem peradilan pidana telah menerbitkan Peraturan Kepolisian Negara Republik Indonesia No 8 Tahun 2021 tentang Penanganan Tindak Pidana Berdasarkan Keadilan Restoratif, untuk tujuan afdoening buiten process dengan mempertimbangkan: subjek, objek, kategori, dan ancaman tindak pidana; latar belakang terjadinya dilakukannya tindak pidana; tingkat ketercelaan; kerugian atau akibat yang ditimbulkan dari tindak pidana; cost and benefit penanganan perkara; pemulihan kembali pada keadaan semula; dan adanya perdamaian antara korban dan tersangka. Lima unsur utama keadilan restorative justice yaitu: 1) satu jenis keadilan, 2) memandang tindak pidana itu bukan kejahatan terhadap negara/publik melainkan kejahatan terhadap korban, 3) berfokus pada penderitaan atau kerugian, 4) berwujud dialog langsung atau tidak langsung dalam wujud mediasi, 5) tidak hanya dalam wujud rekonsiliasi yang bersifat transisional. Mekanisme-mekanisme keadilan restoratif adalah: 1) Pemulihan Hak Korban, 2) Mediasi Penal, 3) Diversi, 4) Pidana Pengawasan, 5) Pengesampingan Perkara atas Kebijakan Penuntutan (Seponering), dan 6) Judicial Pardon/ Pemaafan Hakim, serta mekanisme non-pemenjaraan (non-custodial). 2) Analisa penerapan restorative justice di lembaga penegak hukum dalam upaya reformasi sistem peradilan umum di Indonesia dalam konteks peraturan perundang-undangan, surat edaran, surat keputusan, maupun kesepakatan antar penegak hukum di Indonesia saat ini, telah terdapat beragam peraturan perundangan yang menggunakan terminologi keadilan restoratif yaitu Nota Kesepahaman Bersama Ketua Mahkamah Agung, Menteri Hukum dan HAM, Jaksa Agung, dan Kepala POLRI, melalui PERMA, Surat Keputusan Direktur Jenderal Badilum, PERJA, terutama Peraturan KAPOLRI No. 6 Tahun 2019 tentang Penyidikan Tindak Pidana mengacu pada Pasal 7 ayat (1) huruf jo Undang-Undang (UU) No. 8 Tahun 1981 tentang Hukum Acara Pidana (KUHAP), hal ini adalah legal standing untuk upaya mereformasi sistem peradilan umum di Indonesia. Kata Kunci: Restorative Justice, Sistem Peradilan. / ABSTRACT One of the characteristics of the legal justice system is that the law is fair; anyone who commits a violation of the law will be prosecuted; it is impartial to anyone; and no one is immune to the law. However, in terms of law enforcement conditions, Indonesia currently prioritizes punishment and imprisonment. As one of the principles of law enforcement in case settlement that can be used as an instrument of restorative justice, in the mechanism (criminal justice procedures), the criminal focus is changed to a dialog and mediation process. Normatively, the application of restorative justice is not only oriented towards imprisonment but also aligns the interests of victim recovery and perpetrator accountability in a non-punitive manner in certain criminal cases, such as those involving children, women, narcotics, and minor crimes. This research aims to: 1) How is restorative justice analyzed in the public justice system in Indonesia? 2) How to analyze the application of restorative justice in law enforcement agencies in reforming the public justice system in Indonesia This research uses the normative legal analytical descriptive method. From the research results obtained, it appears that: 1) Restorative justice has normatively become a mechanism for resolving legal cases in the context of the criminal justice system, with the main stakeholders being the police, prosecutor's office, and court. The development of various legal institutions such as the police, prosecutor's office, court, and other legal institutions in the process of investigation, arrest, detention, prosecution, and examination in court The police in the criminal justice system have issued Indonesian National Police Regulation No. 8 of 2021 concerning Handling Crimes Based on Restorative Justice for the purpose of ensuring a good process by considering: the subject, object, category, and threat of the criminal offense; the background of the criminal offense; the level of harm; the loss or consequences of the criminal offense; the cost and benefit of handling the case; restoration to its original state; and the existence of peace between the victim and the suspect. The five main elements of restorative justice are: 1) one type of justice; 2) views the crime as not a crime against the state or public but a crime against the victim; 3) focuses on suffering or loss; 4) takes the form of direct or indirect dialog in the form of mediation; 5) not only in the form of transitional reconciliation. Restorative justice mechanisms are: 1) Restoration of Victims' Rights; 2) Penal Mediation; 3) Diversion; 4) Criminal Supervision; 5) Case Waiver of Prosecution Policy (Seponering); and 6) Judicial Pardon, as well as non-custodial mechanisms. 2) Analysis of the application of restorative justice in law enforcement agencies in efforts to reform the public justice system in Indonesia in the context of laws and regulations, circulars, decrees, and agreements between law enforcers in Indonesia today, there are various laws and regulations that use restorative justice terminology, namely the Memorandum of Understanding between the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, the Minister of Law and Human Rights, the Attorney General, and the Chief of Police, through PERMA, Decree of the Director General of Badilum, PERJA, especially KAPOLRI Regulation No. 6 of 2019 concerning Investigation of Criminal Acts. 6 of 2019 on Criminal Investigation refers to Article 7 paragraph (1) letter jo Law (Law) No. 8 of 1981 on Criminal Procedure (KUHAP), this is the legal standing for efforts to reform the public justice system in Indonesia. Keywords: Restorative Justice, Justice System

Item Type: Thesis (S2)
Thesis advisorPieris,
Thesis advisorSimanjuntak,
Subjects: LAW
Divisions: PROGRAM PASCASARJANA > Magister Ilmu Hukum
Depositing User: Users 4116 not found.
Date Deposited: 18 Dec 2023 07:35
Last Modified: 18 Dec 2023 07:35

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