Perancangan Esport Center dengan Konsep Sci-Fi dan Arsitektur Futuristik

Melati, Cantika Vira (2022) Perancangan Esport Center dengan Konsep Sci-Fi dan Arsitektur Futuristik. S1 thesis, Universitas Kristen Indonesia.

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Pengaruh dari perkembangan teknologi di dunia olahraga saat ini, khususnya cabang olahraga baru dengan berbasis teknologi dikenal dengan istilah e-sports (electronic sports). Keberadaan E-Sport Center bertujuan untuk memfasilitasi dan mewadahi berbagai kegiatan e-sport gaming seperti sebagai sarana pelatihan para atlet e-sport, pusat perdagangan merchandise dari berbagai brand e-sport, dan arena untuk kontes perlombaan e-sport. Selain itu, Esport Center ini juga mewadahi publik agar dapat merasakan sensasi bermain seperti para atlet esport. Berdasarkan fungsi ruang dari bangunan itu sendiri, maka perancangan E-Sport Center ini akan mengusungkan tema Sci-fi dan dikombinasikan dengan gaya arsitektur Futuristik, dimana desain bangunannya akan sesuai dengan perkembangan zaman modern saat ini. Selain itu, perancangan ini diharapkan dapat bermanfaat bagi penulis lain dengan objek yang sejenis agar di kemudian hari dapat menjadikan bahan referensi untuk objek serupa. Selanjutnya, penulis juga berharap perancangan ini dapat memberikan opini dan dampak positif kepada masyarakat untuk dapat memperluas wawasannya mengenai cabang olahraga e-sports melalui berbagai media dan fasilitas yang disediakan pada perancangan E-sports Center ini. Kata Kunci: esports, olahraga, teknologi, sci-fi, futuristik. / The influence of technological developments in the world of sports today, especially new sports based on technology is known as e-sports (electronic sports). The existence of the E-Sport Center aims to facilitate and accommodate various e- sport gaming activities such as a training facility for e-sport athletes, a merchandising center for various e-sport brands, and an arena for e-sport competition contests. In addition, this Esport Center also accommodates the public so that they can feel the sensation of playing like esports athletes. Based on the spatial function of the building itself, the design of this E-Sport Center will carry the Sci-fi theme and be combined with the Futuristic architectural style, where the design of the building will be in accordance with the current development of modern times. In addition, this design is expected to be useful for other authors with similar objects so that in the future they can be used as reference materials for similar objects. Furthermore, the authors also hope that this design can provide positive opinions and impacts on the community to be able to broaden their horizons about e-sports through various media and facilities provided in the design of this E-sports Center. Keywords: esports, sports, technology, sci-fi, futuristic

Item Type: Thesis (S1)
Thesis advisorWidati,
Thesis advisorErwin,
Subjects: EDUCATION > Education (General)
FINE ARTS > Architecture
FINE ARTS > Architecture > General
FINE ARTS > Architecture > Study and teaching. Research
FINE ARTS > Architecture > Competitions
FINE ARTS > Architecture > Architectural drawing and design
FINE ARTS > Architecture > Details and decoration
TECHNOLOGY > Building construction
TECHNOLOGY > Building construction > Architectural engineering. Structural engineering of buildings
Divisions: FAKULTAS TEKNIK > Arsitektur
Depositing User: Users 3822 not found.
Date Deposited: 07 Dec 2023 07:05
Last Modified: 07 Dec 2023 07:05

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