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Simbolon, Timotius Tumbur and Tumanggor, M. S and Widiarty, Wiwik Sri and Nainggolan, Bernard (2024) Reconstruction of Concurrent Creditor Rights in Bankruptcy Law and Suspension of Debt Payment Obligations in the Framework of Legal Development. Seybold Report Journal (TSRJ), 19 (2). pp. 388-400. ISSN 1533 9211
Simbolon, Timotius Tumbur and Widiarty, Wiwik Sri (2022) The Government's Role in Legal Protection of Bankrupt Creditors. International Journal Of Artificial Intelegence Research, 6 (1). ISSN 2579 7298
Simbolon, Timotius Tumbur (2024) Rekonstruksi Hak Kreditor Konkuren di Dalam Undang-Undang Kepailitan dan Penundaan Kewajiban Pembayaran Utang untuk Keseimbangan Hak Para Kreditor = Reconstruction of The Concurrent Creditor Right in The Bankruptcy Law and Suspension of Debt Payment Obligation to Balance The Creditors Rights. S3 thesis, Universitas Kristen Indonesia.