Kawasan Industri Furnitur Berbahan Kayu (FBK) Di Kendal Guna Meningkatkan Efisiensi Dan Daya Saing

Yuliati, Yuliati (2021) Kawasan Industri Furnitur Berbahan Kayu (FBK) Di Kendal Guna Meningkatkan Efisiensi Dan Daya Saing. S2 thesis, Universitas Kristen Indonesia.

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Indonesia dikaruniai kekayaan alam yang melimpah berupa hutan hujan tropis,yang terbagi dalam tiga fungsi yaitu hutan produksi, hutan konservasi dan hutan lindung, luas hutan yang besar tersebut saat ini masih dapat dijumpai di Papua, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Sumatra, dan pulau Jawa. Indonesia juga dikaruniai, kekayan lainnya berupa perairan/laut yang meliputi 2/3 luas wilayah dengan garis pantai kedua terpanjang di dunia. Selain potensi yang bersifat material Indonesia juga memiliki sumber daya manusia terbesar ke empat dunia, dan berbagai seni budaya yang melatar belakangi kehidupan masyarakatnya. Di antara karunia yang besar itu, hutan hujan tropis kurang lebih seluas 125 juta Ha atau tepatnya 125.922.474 Ha (KLHK, 2017) merupakan karunia yang luar biasa, menghasilkan berbagai jenis kayu, keaneka ragaman hayati, flora dan fauna yang tak ternilai harganya hasil hutan Indonesia ada yang dijadikan kayu lapis, ada yang diolah menjadi bahan bangunan seperti balok, papan, kasau, reng, kusen, pintu, jendela, list profil, parket (bahan lantai) dan ada yang diolah menjadi perabotan atau furnitur dan kerajinan tangan/art work. Furnitur dari Indonesia sudah dikenal di mancanegara dengan keunggulan-keunggulannya antara lain berbahan dasar kayu keras, ornamen berupa ukiran yang khas dan dikerjakan tangan dan lain-lain. Terdapat jutaan pengrajin kayu tersebar di seluruh Indonesia dari Sabang sampai Merauke dimana masing masing daerah memiliki corak khas ornamen yg menjadi cirinya. Hanya dengan semakin berkembangnya jumlah populasi manusia, semakin banyaknya pelaku usaha berbasis kehutanan, keberadaan kayu di indonesia juga mengalami berbagai tantangan .karena eksploitasi atas hutan, pengalih fungsian hutan, menjadi perkebunan dan pemukiman, ilegal loging dan lain-lain, menjadikan bahan baku kayu semakin langka dan semakin mahal harganya, di mana dalam hal ini industri furnitur Indonesia pun sangat terpengaruh karenanya. Persaingan dagang dengan pelaku usaha serupa di luar negeri dalam memperebutkan pasar furnitur Internasional dan serbuan produk furnitur dari negara lain yg membanjiri pasar dalam negeri, mengharuskan Indonesia mengubah strategi industri furniturnya supaya lebih efisien dan mempunyai daya saing yang tinggi. Tesis ini bertujuan menganalisa persoalan yg meliputi industri furnitur Indonesia supaya mampu memenangkan persaingan dagang di dunia Internasional dan menjadi tuan rumah di negara sendiri. Adapun penelitian yang dilakukan melalui penelitian langsung dengan cara mengamati rangkaian produksi industri furnitur sampai pemasarannya, studi literatur dan pemberitaan tentang furnitur, melakukaan kunjungan ke sentra-sentra industri FBK, serta kajian-kajian dari data-data yang telah disajikan oleh berbagai sumber seperti BPS, departemen kehutanan, departemen perindustrian, dan lain-lain. Tesis ini mencoba menemukan, mengurai, memecahkan masalah yang meliputi industri furnitur berbahan kayu Indonesia dan berusaha mencari dan memberikan solusi atau jalan keluar berupa perencanaan dan perancangan suatu Kawasan industri terpadu khusus furnitur berbahan kayu sebagai fasilitas penunjang dan pendukung, sehingga memiliki kinerja lebih efisien dan berdaya saing tinggi Kata Kunci: Kawasan Terpadu Industri FBK (Furnitur Berbahan Kayu), Efisiensi, Daya Saing./ Indonesia is blessed with abundant natural wealth in the form of tropical rainforests, which are divided into three functions, namely production forests, conservation forests and protected forests, this large forest area can currently be found in Papua, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Sumatra and the islands of Java. Indonesia is also blessed with other wealth in the form of waters/seas covering 2/3 of the area with the second longest coastline in the world. In addition to material potential, Indonesia also has the fourth largest human resources in the world, and various cultural arts as the background for the life of its people. Among these great gifts, tropical rainforests covering an area of Approximately 125 million hectares or to be precise 125.922.474 hectares (KLHK, 2017) are extraordinary gifts, producing various types of wood, biodiversity, flora and fauna which are priceless Indonesian forest products. some are made into plywood, some are processed into building materials such as beams, boards, rafters, battens, frames, doors, windows, profile lists, parquet (flooring) and some are processed into furniture or furniture and handicrafts/art work. Furniture from Indonesia is well known in foreign countries with its advantages, among others, made from hardwood, ornaments in the form of unique carvings and done by hand, etc. There are millions of woodworkers scattered throughout Indonesia from Sabang to Merauke, where each region has its own distinctive ornament. Only with the growing number of human population, the increasing number of forest-based business actors, the existence of wood in Indonesia also experiences various challenges, due to exploitation of forests, conversion of forest functions, to plantations and settlements, illegal logging etc., making wood raw materials increasingly scarce and increasingly the price is expensive, where in this case the Indonesian furniture industry is very much affected by it. Trade competition with similar business actors abroad in competing for the international furniture market and the invasion of furniture products from other countries that flood the domestic market, requires Indonesia to change its furniture industry strategy to make it more efficient and have high competitiveness, this thesis aims to analyze issues that include Indonesian furniture industry in order to be able to win trade competition in the international world and become the host in their own country. The research is carried out through direct research by observing the series of furniture industry production to its marketing, literature studies and reporting on furniture, making visits to industrial centers FBK, as well as studies of data that have been presented by various sources such as BPS, the forestry department, the industry department, and others. This thesis tries to find, unravel, solve problems that include the Indonesian wood furniture industry and try to find and provide solutions or solutions in the form of planning and designing an integrated industrial area specifically for furniture made of wood as supporting and supporting facilities, so that it has a more efficient and efficient performance. high competitiveness. Keywords: FBK (wood furniture) Industrial Integrated Area, Efficiency, Competitiveness

Item Type: Thesis (S2)
Thesis advisorEni, Sri PareNIDN22094901UNSPECIFIED
Thesis advisorHutasoit, Posma Sariguna J.K.UNSPECIFIEDUNSPECIFIED
Additional Information: Tesis 684.3 Yul k 2021
Subjects: FINE ARTS > Architecture
Divisions: PROGRAM PASCASARJANA > Magister Arsitektur
Depositing User: Mr Sahat Maruli Tua Sinaga
Date Deposited: 17 Jun 2022 08:36
Last Modified: 29 Mar 2023 07:14
URI: http://repository.uki.ac.id/id/eprint/8111

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