Mahyuddin, Erwin Reggynal (2021) Optimasi Façade Gedung Dengan Konsep Bangunan Hijau (Studi Kasus : Gedung Kantor Dinas Pendidikan Propinsi Dki Jakarta, Jalan Gatot Subroto Kavling 40-41, Jakarta). S2 thesis, Universitas Kristen Indonesia.
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Facade bangunan merupakan suatu elemen utama dalam rancangan arsitektur, khususnya sebagai wujud penampilan dan image bangunan, secara teknis menurut SNI adalah kulit luar penutup bangunan yang disebut selubung bangunan dan berfungsi sebagai pelindung terhadap pengaruh iklim dan cuaca yang ada, serta sesuai kaidah bangunan hijau (‘green building’), diharapkan dapat menunjang efek kenyamanan ruang dan produktivitas kerja yang optimal dengan penggunaan energi yang minimal, terutama pada bangunan tinggi dengan facade yang luas. Sebagai Facade, selubung bangunan memiliki komposisi jenis material transparan dan masif sesuai orientasi , luas permukaan serta kemampuan konduktivitas dan radiasi yang harus tepat dan proporsional, karena berpengaruh pada efektifitas sistem pencahayaan dan pengkondisian udara dalam bangunan. Besaran energi panas yang terjadi, secara terukur dapat diketahui melalui perhitungan nilai perpindahan panas atau disebut dengan OTTV (‘Overal Thermal Transfer Value’) yang ada, dimana semakin kecil nilai OTTV, maka semakin besar upaya penghematan energi yang bisa didapatkannya, dari efek berkurangnya ketergantungan penggunaan energi listrik dan mekanik pada sistem pencahayaan dan pendinginan buatan yang ada. Permasalahannya adalah tidak semua bangunan yang sudah dibangun telah menerapkan dan mengacu pada standard nilai batas OTTV sesuai persayaratan kaidah bangunan hijau dan sesuai SNI 03-6389- 2011, yaitu ≦35 watt/m2. Penelitian optimasi facade bangunan hijau ini untuk mengetahui lebih teknis bahwa pada satu bangunan eksisting yang sudah terbangun, seperti salah satunya pada Gedung Dinas Pendidikan Provinsi DKI Jakarta di Jakarta,dengan OTTV awal ≦ 45 Watt/m2, masih memungkinkan untuk dilakukan suatu optimalisasi efisiensi energi secara arsitektural, dengan memodifikasi komponen facade terpadu yang diperlukan, seperti faktor desain naungan dan dinding kaca untuk mendapatkan kriteria bangunan hijau dengan OTTV ≦35 watt/m2, seperti yang diatur dalam SNI-03-63892011, Hasilnya, ada beberapa opsi facade yang secara teknis memenuhi standard OTTV SNI-03-63892011 ≦35 watt/m2, dari yang moderat Opsi 6-OTTV 24,10 Watt/m2 hingga Opsi 12-OTTV 16,71 Watt/m2, dan Opsi rubah fasad total Opsi 2-OTTV-26,23 Watt/m2 hingga Opsi 4-OTTV 25,05 Watt/m2, serta capaian potensi penghematan energi dari optimasi facade berkisar 26~46% menjadi semakin sangat efisien dengan IKE ≦8,5 . Kata Kunci: Bangunan Hijau, Efisiensi Energi Bangunan, Facade, OTTV, Selubung Bangunan./ The building facade is one of the essential elements in architectural design, especially in expressing the performance of the building and so as the image of the building. In technical, according to the SNI standard, it is physically stated as the external skin of the building and architecturally known as a building envelope with functions to provide building protection against an existing negative natural climate and weather conditions effect, and refer to green building criteria, it is expected can support the obtaining of optimal indoor comfort and productivity effect by using a minimal building energy use, majorly in a high rise building with a huge facade surface. As a facade, building envelope comprising with a certain composition of both transparent and massive material with its respective orientation, surface area, and the right proportioning of conductivity and radiation value, which is obviously will affect the effectiveness of the entire lighting and air conditioning system. The amount of resulted thermal energy can be measurably identified by calculating the value of total thermal transfer within the building which is known as the building OTTV (Overall Thermal Transfer Value), it is practically acknowledged that getting the lowest OTTV achievement means that getting the highest energy efficiency achievement can be obtained from reducing the dependency of using the public energy consumption for electrical lighting and mechanical air conditioning system in the building. Now and currently, the problems are many of existing buildings that have not been already designed and built to implement and accommodate the minimum green building principles of OTTV ≦ 35 Watt/M2 standard as stated in SNI 03-6389-2011. This building facade optimization research is intended to obtain a technical study that in an existing building as evaluated in DKI Jakarta Province Educational Service Office Building in Jakarta, is one of the buildings with has previous OTTV ≦ 45 Watt/M2 standard and still has possibilities for an architectural efficiency energy optimization effort by modifying a necessary integrated facade components such as shading and wall glazing design factors to obtain required green building OTTV ≦ 35 Watt/M2 criteria as regulated in SNI 03-6389-2011. As a results, there are several facade options which are technically comply with SNI 03-63892011’s OTTV standard, ≦ 35 Watt/M2, from moderate option 6 - OTTV 24,10 Watt/m2 up to to option 12-OTTV 16,71 Watt/m2 and total facelift option 2-OTTV 26,23 Watt/m2 up to option 4-25,05 Watt/m2, and the achievement of potential energy saving from facade optimization ranging from 26~46 % to become increasingly very efficient with IKE ≦ 8,5. Keywords: Building Efficiency Energy, Building Envelope, Facade, Green Building, OTTV.
Item Type: | Thesis (S2) | ||||||||||||
Contributors: |
Additional Information: | Tesis 729 Erw o 2021 | ||||||||||||
Subjects: | FINE ARTS > Architecture | ||||||||||||
Divisions: | PROGRAM PASCASARJANA > Magister Arsitektur | ||||||||||||
Depositing User: | Mr Sahat Maruli Tua Sinaga | ||||||||||||
Date Deposited: | 16 Jun 2022 08:46 | ||||||||||||
Last Modified: | 29 Mar 2023 07:35 | ||||||||||||
URI: | |
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