Profil Penderita Fibroadenoma Mammae di Rumah Sakit MRCCC Siloam Semanggi Tahun 2019-2020

Sanjaya, Stevanus Jutan (2022) Profil Penderita Fibroadenoma Mammae di Rumah Sakit MRCCC Siloam Semanggi Tahun 2019-2020. S1 thesis, Universitas Kristen Indonesia.

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Fibroadenoma mammae merupakan tumor jinak pada payudara yang dapat tumbuh pada wanita umur 14-35 tahun. FAM mempunyai massa solid dengan konsistensi kenyal, berbatas tegas, dan mempunyai sel yang berselularitas rendah. FAM terklasifikasikan sebagai tumor jinak namun dapat meningkatkan risiko kejadian kanker payudara, sebanyak 2.17 kali. Setidaknya ada 10% wanita di dunia yang mempunyai benjolan FAM. Jakarta Breast Center, melaporkan 1,971 pasien dari 2,495 pasien menderita tumor jinak FAM. Kejadian FAM yang meningkat dari tahun ke tahun dan kekhawatiran yang timbul sering disalahartikan sebagai suatu keganasan. Sampai saat ini, penyebab FAM belum dapat diketahui secara pasti. Beberapa faktor risiko yang diidentfikasi seperti genetik keluarga, usia, hormonal, paparan radiasi, dan penggunaan kontrasepsi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui profil penderita FAM di RS MRCCC Siloam Semanggi tahun 2019-2020. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode total sampling menggunakan arsip patologi anatomik. Penelitian yang dilakukan pada 131 arsip pasien, ditemukan bahwa kelompok usia terbanyak terjadi pada usia 16- 30 tahun sebanyak 68 pasien (51.9%). Berdasarkan lokasi payudara benjolan FAM banyak ditemukan pada sisi kanan sebanyak 58 pasien (44.3%) dengan mayoritas memiliki 1 benjolan sebanyak 92 pasien (70.2%). FAM yang paling banyak ditemukan berukuran > 6cm sebanyak 52 pasien (39.7%) dengan konsistensi yang paling banyak ditemukan adalah kenyal sebanyak 102 pasien (77.9%) dan seluruhnya mempunyai batas yang tegas sebanyak 131 pasien (100%). Wanita yang memiliki risiko dan kecurigaan terhadap benjolan payudara diharapkan melakukan deteksi dini dengan prosedur SADARI/Fibroadenoma mammary is a benign tumor in the breast that can grow in women aged 14-35 years. FAM has a solid mass with a spongy consistency, well-defined, and has low cellularity. FAM is classified as a benign tumor but can increase the risk of breast cancer incidence, as much as 2.17 times. There are at least 10% of women in the world who have FAM lumps. Jakarta Breast Center reported that 1,971 of 2,495 patients had benign FAM tumors. The incidence of FAM is increasing from year to year and the concerns that arise are often misinterpreted as a malignancy. Until now, the cause of FAM can not be known with certainty. Several risk factors were identified such as family genetics, age, hormones, radiation exposure, and contraceptive use. This study aims to determine the profile of FAM sufferers at the MRCCC Siloam Semanggi Hospital in 2019-2020. The study was conducted using a total sampling method using an archive of anatomic pathology. Research conducted on 131 patient files, it was found that the most common age group was 16-30 years old as many as 68 patients (51.9%). Based on the location of the breast, FAM lumps were mostly found on the right side as many as 58 patients (44.3%) with the majority having 1 lump as many as 92 patients (70.2%). The most commonly found FAM measuring > 6cm was 52 patients (39.7%) with the most common consistency being chewy as many as 102 patients (77.9%) and all of them had firm boundaries as many as 131 patients (100%). Women who have a risk and suspicion of breast lumps are expected to perform early detection with the SADARI procedure.

Item Type: Thesis (S1)
Thesis advisorNurprilinda,
Additional Information: Nomor Panggil : TA 616.993 Ste p 2022
Subjects: MEDICINE > Medicine (General)
MEDICINE > Pathology > Pathological anatomy and histology
Divisions: FAKULTAS KEDOKTERAN > Pendidikan Dokter
Depositing User: Users 1738 not found.
Date Deposited: 16 Jun 2022 04:25
Last Modified: 04 Oct 2022 03:13

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