Aplikasi Clamp Soldering Untuk Perbaikan Stator Generator Di Hazardous Area Di Anjungan Lepas Pantai

Atmoko, Andrias and Silalahi, Eva Magdalena and Stepanus, Stepanus (2018) Aplikasi Clamp Soldering Untuk Perbaikan Stator Generator Di Hazardous Area Di Anjungan Lepas Pantai. In: Seminar Nasional 2018 : Renewable Energy and Smart Energy System, 18 Oktober 2018, Prodi Teknik Elektro, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Kristen Indonesia (UKI), Jakarta. Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Kristen Indonesia (UKI), Jakarta.

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Sistem kelistrikan di NGL disuplai oleh 3 unit pembangkit masing masing berkapasitas 2500 kW, dimana 2 unit selalu running paralel, apabila terjadi black out maka tersedia 2 genset diesel berkapasitas masing masing 500 kW yang digunakan untuk kondisi emergensi. Pada tanggal 10 Agustus 2016 terjadi breakdown di turbine generator GGT-1C, indikasi yang muncul adalah terjadi ganguan differensial pada saat turbin generator dilakukan test running. Terjadi ledakan akibat adanya short di belitan stator phasa T, dan menyebabkan generator mengalami burn out. Akibat dari Generator GGT-1C yang mengalami short circuit di belitan stator, mengakibatkan generator tidak bisa beroperasi, sehingga di NGL tidak ada back up turbin generator. Dengan pola operasi pembangkit 2 unit running paralel, dan digunakan untuk mensuplai kelistrikan di NGL dan Bravo yang disalurkan melalui kabel laut ke BCS dan B2C, maka jika salah satu turbin generator yang running mengalami gangguan, akan menyebabkan suplai listrik berkurang karena hanya ada 1 unit turbin generator yang running, sehingga untuk proses produksi minyak di Bravo diperlukan running genset tambahan, yang akan menyebabkan biaya operasional menjadi mahal. Adapun solusi yang dilakukan untuk perbaikan belitan stator generator adalah dengan melakukan repair di lapangan, hal ini di lakukan karena tidak berfungsinya Tower Crane di NGL-A karena sudah tua sehingga tidak dapat dioperasikan lagi. Dengan adanya Repair di lapangan (Insitu) maka memerlukan pertimbangan tehnis kondisi area di lapangan, yang termasuk kategori hazardous area. Hal yang paling penting dalam repair winding ini adalah proses penyambungan antara core, dimana hal ini merupakan titik kritis menyangkut kehandalan stator pada saat dialiri arus listrik yang tinggi. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, maka diputuskan untuk melakukan tehnik Clamp Soldering, dimana metode ini adalah baru untuk repair generator guna menghindari penggunaan metode konvensional yaitu metode Brazing, yang menggunakan suhu tinggi dan menimbulkan spark saat proses pengerjaannya. Dalam proses pekerjaan In-situ Repair dengan menggunakan tehnik Clamp Soldering dilaksanakan di titik sambungan antar core belitan stator generator. Dan hasil dari pekerjaan In-situ Repair, hingga saat ini generator yang telah diperbaiki sudah running selama 5000 jam, tanpa masalah. Dengan selesainya pekerjaan ini maka reability generator bisa naik di atas 98%, demkian juga availability naik di atas 98% yang merupakan patokan kehandalan generator. Kata kunci: Clamp Soldering, stator generator, hazardous area, repair generator/The electricity system in NGL is supplied by 3 generating units each with a capacity of 2500 kW, where 2 units are always running parallel, if there is a black out there are 2 diesel generators with a capacity of 500 kW each which is used for emergency conditions. On August 10, 2016 there was a breakdown in the GGT-1C turbine generator, an indication that arises is that there is a differential fault when the turbine generator is tested. An explosion occurred due to a short in the phase T stator winding, and caused the generator to burn out. As a result of the GGT-1C generator which experiences a short circuit in the stator winding, the generator cannot operate, so there is no back up of the generator turbine at NGL. With the two operations running parallel generator generation patterns, and used to supply electricity in NGL and Bravo which are channeled via sea cables to BCS and B2C, then if one turbine generator running runs into disruption, it will reduce electricity supply because there is only 1 turbine unit generator running, so that for the oil production process in Bravo additional running gensets are needed, which will cause operational costs to be expensive. The solution for repairing the stator generator winding is to do a repair in the field, this is done because of the non-functioning of the Tower Crane in NGL-A because it is old so it cannot be operated anymore. With the Repair in the field (Insitu), it requires technical consideration of the condition of the area in the field, which is included in the hazardous area category. The most important thing in repair winding is the connection process between cores, where this is a critical point regarding the reliability of the stator when it is supplied with high electric current. Based on this, it was decided to carry out the Clamp Soldering technique, where this method is new for generator repair to avoid the use of conventional methods, namely the Brazing method, which uses high temperatures and gives rise to spark during the process. In the process of In-situ Repair work using the Clamp Soldering technique is carried out at the connection point between the stator generator winding cores. And as a result of In-situ Repair's work, until now the repaired generator has been running for 5000 hours, without problems. With the completion of this work, the reability of the generator can rise above 98%, so availability also rises above 98% which is a benchmark for generator reliability. Keywords: Clamp Soldering, stator generator, hazardous area, repair generator

Item Type: Book Section
Subjects: TECHNOLOGY > Electrical engineering. Electronics. Nuclear engineering > Dynamoelectric ma chinery and auxiliaries Including generators, motors, transformers
Depositing User: Ms Mentari Simanjuntak
Date Deposited: 10 Jun 2021 07:17
Last Modified: 15 Oct 2021 01:34
URI: http://repository.uki.ac.id/id/eprint/4531

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