Wija, Ida Bagus Eka Utama (2021) HIPOTIROID KONGENITAL. (Unpublished)

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Hipotiroid kongenital (HK) adalah kelainan endokrin kongenital terbanyak pada anak dan penyebab tersering retradasi mental yang dapat dicegah. Kelainan disebabkan oleh kurang atau tidak adanya hormon tiroid sejak dalam kandungan dan apabila tidak diobati sejak dini dapat menyebabkan retardasi mental berat. Manifestasi klinis pada neonatus sering tidak spesifik, namun manifestasi yang didapatkan setelah lahir berupa Usia gestasi >42 minggu, BBL >4kg ikterik >3 hari setelah lahir, edema, hernia umbilikus, makroglosia, akrosianosis. Penegakan diagnosa dapat dilakukan skrining tiroid. Skrining tiroid pada neonatus dilakukan sebelum keluar dari rumah sakit, antara hari ke ke-2 sampai ke-4 usia bayi, dengan memeriksakan kadar TSH dan T4. Dosis hormon tiroksin disesuaikan dengan umur bayi dan juga berat badan bayi. Kata Kunci. Hipotiroid kongenital, kelainan endokrin, anak/ Congenital hypothyroidism (HK) is the most common congenital endocrine disorder in children and is the most common cause of preventable mental retradation. The disorder is caused by the absence of thyroid hormones in the womb and is not needed early can cause severe mental retardation. Clinical manifestations in neonates are not specific, but manifestations obtained after birth consist of gestational age> 42 weeks, BBL> 4kg jaundice> 3 days after birth, edema, umbilical hernia, macroglossia, acrocyanosis. The diagnosis can be made for thyroid screening. Thyroid screening in neonates is carried out before being discharged from the hospital, from the 2nd to 4th day of the baby's age, by checking TSH and T4 levels. The dose of the thyroxine hormone is adjusted to the baby's age and also the baby's body weight. Keyword. Congenital hypothyroidism, endocrine abnormalities, children

Item Type: Article
Subjects: MEDICINE > Medicine (General)
Depositing User: Ms Mentari Simanjuntak
Date Deposited: 04 May 2021 03:48
Last Modified: 04 May 2021 03:48
URI: http://repository.uki.ac.id/id/eprint/4360

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