Effect of Torbangun (Coleus amboinicusLour) Extract Capsule on Cholesterol Levels in Womenwith Hypercholesterolemia

Suryowati, Trini and Gultom, Moskwadina (2018) Effect of Torbangun (Coleus amboinicusLour) Extract Capsule on Cholesterol Levels in Womenwith Hypercholesterolemia. IOSR Journal Of Pharmacy, 8 (7). pp. 1-6. ISSN 2319 4219


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High cholesterol in the blood is the main risk factor of arterial blockage which is directly related to atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease and cardiovascular diseases. Torbangun (Coleus amboinicusLour) contains phenolic compounds, especially quercetin which act as antioxidants. This study aims to determine the antihypercholesterolemicactivity of Torbangun leaf aqueous extract in women with hypercholesterolemia. This study was a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trial, with 30 subjects placed in two groups, viz, experimental (CC group) and placebo (PC group). The first group received one capsules of CC (each capsule contains 500 mg extract) while the second group received one capsules of placebo (comprised of 500 mg fillers) one times daily, for 30 days for both groups. Total cholesterol (TC) was measured by GCU an automated analyzer. Oral administrationof Torbangun extract capsule exhibited antihypercholesterolemic activity on total cholesterol levels in women with hypercholesterolemia.Data were analyzed with paired sample t test with 95% significance level. The results show that there was significant decrease in TC on day 30, compared to control (P group). In CC group, the capsules significant reduction in TC levels (p < 0.05).Studies clearly demonstrated that Torbangun extract possesses antihypercholesterolemicactivity in women with hypercholesterolemia.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: MEDICINE
Depositing User: Mr. Admin Repository
Date Deposited: 10 Jun 2020 15:53
Last Modified: 03 Feb 2022 06:20
URI: http://repository.uki.ac.id/id/eprint/1832

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