Wulandari, Anis (2025) Meningkatkan Pengalaman Sensori Spasial Melalui Penerapan Healing Architecture untuk Tunanetra (Buta Total) Kasus: Sekolah Luar Biasa Patriot Kota Bekasi. S2 thesis, Universitas Kristen Indonesia.
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Berdasarkan data statistik Kota Bekasi dari tahun 2018 sampai 2023 mengalami fluktuasi kenaikan dan penurunan jumlah dengan ketegori tunanetra 76,67% atau sekitar 961 jiwa. Merujuk pada nilai persentase tersebut diatas keberadaan kaum difabel di Kota Bekasi tidak sejalan dengan kondisi fasilitas yang ada. Kota Bekasi dinilai belum ramah terhadap penyandang difabel, penyediaan fasilitas khusus di banyak sektor dinilai belum maksimal, seperti infrastruktur, ekonomi, ketenagakerjaan, olahraga hingga pendidikan. Selain persoalan infrstruktur, regulasi yang dimiliki oleh Kota Bekasi belum dijalankan dengan baik. Paini selaku Ketua Himpunan Wanita Disabilitas Indonesia (HWDI) Bekasi, menyatakan bahwa perhatian pemerintah terhadap kaum difabel di Kota Bekasi belum optimal. Mengetahui hal tersebut cukup memprihatinkan, dimana keterjangkuan akan fasilitas untuk memudahkan mobilisasi para kaum difabel belum maksimal. Untuk mewujudkan kota yang ramah bagi kamu difabel, Walikota Bekasi merealisasikan sekolah khusus difabel pertama di Kota Bekasi. Dibangun pada awal tahun 2020 disalah satu Kecamatan Bekasi Selatan, dikenal dengan Sekolah Disabilitas Terpadu SDLB/SMPLB (Disabilitas Fisik dan Sensori Netra) dibawah naungan Dinas Pendidikan Kota Bekasi. Namun pertahun 2023 berpindah pengelola sehingga berganti nama menjadi Sekolah Luar Biasa Patriot Kota Bekasi dikelola oleh Yayasan Dharma Wanita Patriot Bekasi. Sekolah tersebut merujuk bagi anak berkebutuhan khusus yaitu, tuna netra, tuna rungu, tuna wicara, tuna ganda, tuna daksa, dan tuna grahita. Adapun tujuan yang akan dicapai dalam penelitian ini, sebagai berikut: (1) Mengetahui perbedaan healing architecture bagi kaum tunanetra, (2) Mengembangkan penerapan healing architecture untuk membentuk pengalaman spasial melalui mediasi sensori, (3) Merekomendasikan penerapan healing architecture dalam perencanaan dan perancangan arsitektur dan interior pada konteks bangunan Pendidikan difabel, (4) Tercapainya elemen-elemen healing architecture untuk menjangkau fasilitas dan akesibilitas bagi kaum tunanetra, dan (5) Tercapainya well-adapted bagi pengguna tunanetra (buta total) dalam lingkungan sekolah. Untuk mencapai tujuan, penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif. Pengumpulan data dengan melakukan pengamatan orientasi mobilitas tunanetra, wawancara, uji temuan melibatkan 3 siswa-siswi, serta dokumentasi. Kemudian data dianalisis untuk mendapatkan hasil temuan. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa kecenderungan dari ketiga siswa tunanetra paling sering digunakan indra perabaan, pendengaran kemudian penciuman. Tidak ada urutan panca indra yang paling cocok untuk tunanetra karena pada dasarnya setiap orang memiliki cara unik untuk beradaptasi dengan berbagai panca indra. Adapun temuan hasil dilapangan dengan menggunakan 4 elemen pada teori healing architecture dari Bryan R Lawson cenderung 3 elemen diantaranya, comfort & control, interior appearance dan legibility of place yang mempengaruhi dan mendukung ruang gerak serta orientasi mobilitas dalam menjangkau aksesibilitas. Kata Kunci: Pengalaman Spasial, Sensori, Healing Architecture, Tunanetra Buta Total. / Based on statistical data from Bekasi City from 2018 to 2023, there has been an increase and decrease in the number of people with visual impairments of 76.67%, or around 961 people. The percentage value mentioned above indicates that the existing facilities are not in line with the presence of people with difference abilities in Bekasi City. Bekasi City is considered not yet friendly to people with difference abilities, the provision of special facilities in many sectors is considered not optimal, such as infrastructure, economy, employment, sports and education. Bekasi City's regulations have not been properly implemented, alongside infrastructure issues. Paini, as the Chairperson of the Indonesian Disabled Women's Association (HWDI) in Bekasi, said that the government's attention to people with disabilities in Bekasi City has not been optimized. Knowing this is quite concerning, where the accessibility of facilities to facilitate the mobilization of people with difference abilities is not optimal.To make Bekasi City a friendly city for those with different abilities the mayor has established the first special school for the diffable in the city. Built in early 2020 in one of the South Bekasi Districts, it is known as the Integrated Diffable School SDLB / SMPLB (Physical and Sensory Blind Diffable) under the auspices of the Bekasi City Education Office. However, in 2023, it changed management so that it changed its name to Extraordinary School Patriot Bekasi City, managed by the Dharma Wanita Patriot Bekasi Foundation. The school refers to children with special needs, namely, blind, low vision, deaf, speech impaired, multiple different abilities, different abilities in physical, and different abilities in intellectual.The objectives to be achieved in this research are as follows: (1) To find out the differences in healing architecture for the blind, (2) To develop the application of healing architecture to form spatial experiences through sensory mediation, (3) To recommend the application of healing architecture in the planning and design of architecture and interiors in the context of educational buildings For the disabled,(4) To achieve elements of healing architecture to provide facilities and accessibility for the blind, and to ensure that the school environment is well-adapted for blind users (total blind). To achieve the objectives, the research was conducted using qualitative research methods. In collecting data, I observed the blind's mobility orientation, interviewed them, conducted finding tests with three students, and documented. The findings were obtained through the analysis of the data. According to the findings, the three blind students tend to utilize touch, hearing, and then smell the most frequently. There is no set order for how the blind use their non-visual senses, as everyone has their own unique way of adapting to different sensory senses. The findings of the results in the field using 4 elements in the healing architecture theory of Bryan R Lawson tend to be 3 elements, including comfort & control, interior appearance and legibility of place, which influence and support space and mobility orientation in reaching accessibility. Keywords: Spatial Experience, Sensory, Healing Architecture, Totally Blind Person
Item Type: | Thesis (S2) | ||||||||||||
Contributors: |
Subjects: | TECHNOLOGY > Building construction > Buildings: Construction with reference to use Including public buildings, dwellings | ||||||||||||
Divisions: | PROGRAM PASCASARJANA > Magister Arsitektur | ||||||||||||
Depositing User: | Ms Wulandari Anis | ||||||||||||
Date Deposited: | 31 Jan 2025 02:58 | ||||||||||||
Last Modified: | 31 Jan 2025 02:58 | ||||||||||||
URI: | http://repository.uki.ac.id/id/eprint/18130 |
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