Perbandingan Nilai Uji Marshall pada Berbagai Campuran berdasarkan S.K.B.I. 2. 4. 1987 Dept. P.U Akibat Perendaman

Siahaan, Januari Marulitua (2013) Perbandingan Nilai Uji Marshall pada Berbagai Campuran berdasarkan S.K.B.I. 2. 4. 1987 Dept. P.U Akibat Perendaman. S1 thesis, Universitas Kristen Indonesia.

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Didalam SKBI 2.4.26 1987 yang dikeluarkan oleh Departemen Pekerjaan Umum terdapat tabel yang berisikan berbagi spesifikasi campuran aspal beton, atas dasar tersebut dilakukan penelitian di laboratorium, dengan mengambil 5 jenis nomor spesifikasi pada SKBI 2.4.26 1987 yaitu nomor spesifikasi I, III, VI, VIII, dan X dengan menggunakan kadar aspal optimum yaitu 6% kemudian dilakukan uji Marshall untuk mengetahui stabilitas, kelelehan plastis dan Marshall kuosien dengan rendaman selama 24 jam dan tanpa rendaman. Dari hasil pengujian didapat kesimpulan bahwa benda uji yang di uji tanpa rendaman dengan nomor sepesifikasi VIII mempunyai nilai stabilitas dan nilai Marshall kuotien yang lebih besar dengan nilai stabilitas sebesar 1446,32 Kg dan nilai Marshall kuosien sebesar 348,819 Kg sedangkan benda uji dengan nomor spesifikasi I mempunyai stabilitas dan Marshall kuosien yg lebih kecil dengan nilai stabilitas sebesar 933,240 Kg nilai Marshall kuosien sebesar 213,159, namun benda uji nomor spesifikasi I memiliki nilai kelelehan plastis yang paling besar sebesar 3,767 mm sedangkan untuk nomor spesifikasi VIII memiliki nilai kelelehan plastis yang paling kecil sebesar 3,567 mm.Untuk benda uji yang mengalami perendaman selama 24 jam nilai stabilitas dan Marshall kuosien mengalami penurunan, nilai stabilitas rata-rata terjadi penurunan sebesar 8.5%, dan nilai Marshall kuosien mengalami penurunan rata-rata sebesar 10,94 %, dan nilai kelelehan plastis mengalami kenaikan rata-rata sebesar 2,68 %. Kata kunci: aspal beton,stabilitas, kelelehan plastis, Marshall kuosien. / Based on SKBI 2.4.26 1987 which was legitimated by the Ministry of Labor Department, there was table which content a several various specification about asphalt concrete, according to those bases done a research on a laboratory, by taking 5 kinds of specification numbers on SKBI 2.4.26 1987 which were number of specification I, III, VI, VIII, and X by using the optimum of asphalt concentration 6% after that made Marshall’s testing to know the stabilization, the flow and Marshall Quotient by soaking during 24 hours and without soaking. According to the result of the testing the writer got a summary that object test which was tested without soaking. Based on the result of the research the writer got a summary that the object test which was tested without soaking with number of specification VIII has the stabilized value and Marshall Quotient value which was the biggest value with stabilize value 1446, 32 kg and Marshall quotient 348,819 kg whereas the object test with number of specification I has a stabilize value 933,240 kg and Marshall Quotient value 213,159, but the object test with number of specification I has the biggest value of flowing with 3,767 mm whereas for number of specification VIII has the smallest of flow value with 3,567 mm. For the object test which was on soaking as long 24 hours, the stabilized value and Marshall Quotient setback of value, the average of stabilization decreased the average value 8.5%, and Marshall Quotient decreased the average value 10,94%, and the value of flow increase at the average value 2,68%. Key Word: asphalt concrete, stabilization, flowing, Marshall Quotient

Item Type: Thesis (S1)
Thesis advisorSimanjuntak, Risma MasniariUNSPECIFIEDUNSPECIFIED
Thesis advisorSetyadi, SetyadiUNSPECIFIEDUNSPECIFIED
Divisions: FAKULTAS TEKNIK > Teknik Sipil
Depositing User: Mr Ibnu Rafi
Date Deposited: 08 Oct 2024 10:44
Last Modified: 08 Oct 2024 10:44

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