Pengaruh Penayangan Talk Show Indonesia Lawyers Club di Tvone Terhadap Minat Berpolitik Masyarakat (Survey: Tentang Talk Show ILC di Lingkungan Bapak Bapak Rt 002/025 Kel: Pengasinan, Kec: Rawalumbu, Kota Bekasi Timur)

Hoekoeboen, Willy Aditya (2018) Pengaruh Penayangan Talk Show Indonesia Lawyers Club di Tvone Terhadap Minat Berpolitik Masyarakat (Survey: Tentang Talk Show ILC di Lingkungan Bapak Bapak Rt 002/025 Kel: Pengasinan, Kec: Rawalumbu, Kota Bekasi Timur). S1 thesis, Universitas Kristen Indonesia.

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Metode penelitian yang digunakan peneliti adalah kuantitatif dengan metode survei menggunakan kuesioner sebagai instrumen pengumpulan data, untuk mendapatkan data tentang sejumlah responden yang dianggap mewakili populasi secara umum. Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu teori Uses And Gratification. Dengan demikian penayangan talk show Indonesia Lawyers Club merupakan tontonan yang menarik dan diminati, sehingga menimbulkan minat untuk berpolitik setelah menonton tayangan tersebut.. Hasil yang dicapai koefesien berada pada nilai r (0,737) yang berada pada interval 0,60 − 0,799 dengan tingkat hubungan yang kuat, artinya minat berpolitik bapak-bapak dipengaruhi oleh penayangan talk show Indonesia Lawyers Club. Memberikan kontribusi positif bagi bapak-bapak khususnya dalam bidang berpolitik. Dalam hasil hipotesis Ha diterima yaitu terdapat pengaruh antara penayangan talk show Indonesia Lawyers Club terhadap minat berpolitik bapak-bapak di Rt 002/025 Kel: Pengasinan, Kec: Rawalumbu, Kota Bekasi Timur. Kesimpulan, penayangan talk show Indonesia Lawyers Club efektif dalam memengaruhi minat berpoitik bapak-bapak di Rt 002/025 Kel: Pengasinan, Kec: Rawalumbu, Kota Bekasi Timur. Terbukti hasil uji validitas pada kedua variabel dalam instrumen kuesioner sudah dapat digolongkan valid dengan nilai Corrected Item-Total Correlation di atas 0,209. Variabel X yaitu pengaruh penayangan talkshow Indonesia Lawyers Club di TvOne, dan Variabel Y yaitu Minat bapak-bapak di Rt 002/025 Kel: Pengasinan, Kec: Rawalumbu, Kota Bekasi Timur Untuk berpolitik memiliki hubungan sebesar 0.737 , yang berarti masuk kelas interval 0,60-0,799 dapat disimpulkan memiliki xxi tingkat hubungan atau korelasi kuat. Variabel bebas berpengaruh penayangan talk show Indonesia Lawyers Club di TvOne, memiliki peranan sebesar 54,3% terhadap variabel terikat minat berpolitik bapak-bapak di Rt 002/025 Kel: Pengasinan, Kec: Rawalumbu, Kota Bekasi Timur. Ini berarti 45,7%. Berdasarkan hasil uji (t), dengan thitung signifikasi 0,000 < α (0,05) dan dengan nilai thitung sebesar 8,387 yang lebih besar daripada nilai ttabel sebesar 2,391 menandakan bahwa Ho yang menyatakan bahwa tidak terdapat pengaruh dari penayangan talk show Indonesia Lawyers Club terhadap Minat Berpolitik bapak- bapak di Rt 002/025 Kel: Pengasinan, Kec: Rawalumbu, Kota Bekasi Timur ternyata ditolak, atau Ha yang menyatakan bahwa terdapat pengaruh dari tayangan Indonesia Lawyers Club terhadap Minat Berpolitik bapak-bapak di Rt 002/025 Kel: Pengasinan, Kec: Rawalumbu, Kota Bekasi Timur diterima. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penayangan talks how Indonesia Lawyers club di TV One terhadap minat berpolitik masyarakat, dan seberapa besar dampaknya bagi Bapak-bapak di Rt 002/025 Kel: Pengasinan, Kec: Rawalumbu, Kota Bekasi Timur. / The observation method used by researcher is quantitative through survey using questionnaire as data-collecting instrument from a number of respondents that are considered representing the general population. This observation is based on Uses and Gratification theory. The Indonesia Lawyers Club talk show is an interesting, enthused show that encourages people to develop the interest in politics after watching it. The result shows the coefficient r is at the value of (0,737) between the interval 0,60 and 0,799 with strong correlation, meaning that the respondents’ interest in politics are, in fact, being influenced by the airing of Indonesia Lawyers Club talk show, or that it has given positive contribution to the respondents’ interest in doing politics. In the result of the hypothesis Ha, there is an impact of the airing of the Indonesia Lawyers Club talk show towards the interset of the gentlemen living in the neighborhood of RT 002 RW 025 Kelurahan Pengasinan, Kecamatan Rawalumbu, Bekasi Timur. As a summary, the airing of Indonesia Lawyers Club talk show is effective in influencing the interest of politics of the gentlemen living in the neighborhood of RT 002 RW 025 Kelurahan Pengasinan, Kecamatan Rawalumbu, Bekasi Timur. This is xxiii proven by the fact that the validity appraisal on both variables in the questionnaire are true with the value of corrected item-total correlation greater than 0,209. In this paper, Variable X is the effect of the airing of Indonesia Lawyers Club talk show in TVOne, and Variable Y is the interest of the gentlemen living in the neighborhood of RT 002 RW 025 Kelurahan Pengasinan, Kecamatan Rawalumbu, Bekasi Timur on doing politics, which has significant correlation of 0,737, positioning between interval class of 0,60 – 0,799, which states a strong correlation. The independent variable of the effect of the airing of Indonesia Lawyers Club talk show on TVOne has the role of 54,3% towards the dependent variable of the interests of the gentlemen living in the neighborhood of RT 002 RW 025 Kelurahan Pengasinan, Kecamatan Rawalumbu, Bekasi Timur in doing politics. This indicates that 45,7 %. The t test with thitung signifies 0,000 < α (0,05) and the value of thitung of 8,387, which is greater than the value of ttable of 2,391, indicates the faultiness of Ho which states the inexistence of the effect of the airing of Indonesia Lawyers Club talk show towards the interest of the gentlemen living in the neighborhood of RT 002 RW 025 Kelurahan Pengasinan, Kecamatan Rawalumbu, Bekasi Timur in doing politics, and the trueness of Ha which states the existence of the effect of the airing of Indonesia Lawyers Club talk show towards the interest of the gentlemen living in the neighborhood of RT 002 RW 025 Kelurahan Pengasinan, Kecamatan Rawalumbu, Bekasi Timur in doing politics. This observation aims to identify the effect of the airing of Indonesia Lawyers Club talk show on TVOne towards the interest of the gentlemen living in the neighborhood of RT 002 RW 025 Kelurahan Pengasinan, Kecamatan Rawalumbu, Bekasi Timur in doing politics.

Item Type: Thesis (S1)
Thesis advisorSiahaan, ChontinaUNSPECIFIEDUNSPECIFIED
Depositing User: Users 5230 not found.
Date Deposited: 21 Oct 2024 04:22
Last Modified: 21 Oct 2024 04:22

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