Analisis Kualitas Layanan Karyawan di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 pada Divisi Human Capital Services PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero), Tbk

Silaban, Theresia Elisa Agustina (2022) Analisis Kualitas Layanan Karyawan di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 pada Divisi Human Capital Services PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero), Tbk. D3 thesis, Universitas Kristen Indonesia.

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Pandemi Covid-19 tidak hanya menimbulkan dampak pada bidang kesehatan tetapi juga bidang sosial, perdagangan, pariwisata, transportasi, bahkan perekonomian global, termasuk perbankan. Demi menekan dan memutusIrantaiIpenyebaran agar kegiatan operasionalnya dapat berjalan dengan semestinya, PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero), Tbk (BNI) pun turut mengambil tindakan dengan membentuk sebuah Tim Task Force Penanganan dan Pemulihan Covid-19 (Tim Covid). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis bagaimana kualitas layanan Tim Covid PT BNI dalam pemberian manfaat kesehatan karyawan di masa pandemi Covid-19 sudah memberikan kepuasan kepada karyawan Divisi Human Capital Services PT BNI yang diukur dengan 5 (lima) dimensi kualitas layanan, yaitu Tangible (Bukti Fisik), Reliability (Kehandalan), Responsiveness (Daya Tanggap), Assurance (Jaminan), dan Empathy (Empati). Penelitian ini menggunakan data primer dengan menyebarkan kuesioner tertutup kepada responden dan sekunder yang diperoleh dari beberapa jurnal dan buku. Jumlah sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah 43 responden. Dalam menganalisis data, peneliti menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif yang menjelaskan secara deskriptif mengenai kualitas layanan yang diberikan oleh Tim Covid PT BNI. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar/lebih dari setengah responden memberikan jawaban bahwa mereka sudah puas dan bahkan sangat puas dengan layanan yang diterima, namun masih ada responden yang memberian jawaban tidak puas terkait atribut layanan yang diberikan, tetapi jawaban puas dan sangat puas tetap mendominasi sehingga dapat dikatakan bahwa kualitas layanan pemberian manfaat kesehatan karyawan (dalam hal ini, pelaksanaan vaksinasi) di masa pandemi Covid-19 sudah memuaskan kebutuhan para karyawan pada Divsi HCE PT BNI dan ntuk memberikan rasa puas/sangat puas secara menyeluruh, Tim Covid perlu meningkatkan kualitas layanannya untuk lebih baik dan optimal lagi. Kata Kunci : Kualitas layanan, 5 (lima) dimensi kualitas layanan, kepuasan pelanggan. / The Covid-19 pandemic has not only had an impact on the health sector but also in the social sector, trade, tourism, transportation, and even the global economy, including banking. In order to suppress and break the chain of distribution so that its operational activities can run properly, PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero), Tbk (BNI) also took action by forming a Task Force Team for Handling and Recovery of Covid-19 (Covid Team). This writing aims to analyze how the service quality of PT BNI's Covid Team in presenting employee health benefits during the Covid-19 pandemic has given satisfaction to PT BNI's Human Capital Services Division employees as measured by 5 (five) service quality dimensions, namely Tangible. (Physical Evidence), Reliability (Reliability), Responsiveness (Responsiveness), Assurance (Guarantee), and Empathy (Empathy). This writing uses primary data by distributing closed to respondents and secondary data obtained from several journals and books. The number of samples in this writing is 43 respondents. In analyzing the data, the author uses a qualitative approach that describes descriptively about the quality of services provided by the PT BNI Covid Team. The results showed that most/more than half of the respondents gave answers that they were satisfied and even very satisfied with the services received, but there were still respondents who gave dissatisfied answers regarding the attributes of the services provided, but satisfied and very satisfactory answers dominated so that they could It is said that the quality of the service providing health benefits (in this case, the implementation of vaccinations) during the Covid-19 pandemic has satisfied the needs of employees in the PT BNI HCE Division and to provide overall satisfaction/very satisfied, the Covid Team needs to improve the quality of its services to better good and optimal again. Keywords: Service quality, 5 (five) dimensions of service quality, customer satisfaction.

Item Type: Thesis (D3)
Thesis advisorSiregar,
Additional Information: Nomor Panggil : KTIA 658.812 Sil a 2022
Subjects: SOCIAL SCIENCES > Finance > Banking > Banks and the state. State supervision of banks
LAW > Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence > Comparative law. International uniform law > Commercial law > Commercial contracts > Banking
Divisions: FAKULTAS VOKASI > Analisis Keuangan (Perbankan dan Keuangan)
Depositing User: Users 4350 not found.
Date Deposited: 02 Feb 2024 10:15
Last Modified: 19 Mar 2024 03:32

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